Monday, December 14, 2009

I went to the dr. today after a week of not feeling well. I have a bad sinus infection which wasn't getting better with the otc meds so I now have a prescription antibiotic which will hopefully knock it out.
When they did my weight it said I had gained 14 pounds in 2 weeks. WHAT???? Really??? I wanted to cry. Dr. Johnson said it was a result of fluid retention from two of the meds I am on and should go away soon. So meanwhile I get to finally meet Cheryl and Kevin with a bloated belly and puffy face. Hooray.
I am going to increase my fluid (water) intake and increase my exercising to see if that helps. I feel so heavy and generally unwell. It really stinks.
The kids had their Christmas program yesterday and did a really good job. I have some cute pictures of my angels to post later on.
I am going to eventually get Christmas cards and pictures out. I feel bad that I haven't done it yet, it just doesn't seem like Christmastime yet. Maybe once I get that done it will help!
Hope you all have a great day, I am off to the pharmacy!!


kellerie said...

I'm glad you finally went to the doctor. hope the meds make you feel better soon.

Cheryl said...

Since we planned to lose 5 pounds I have gained at least 5 pounds. Let's just enjoy the holidays and worry about it next year!! I can't wait to see you!! Hope you feel better!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Hope you feel any weight you are beautiful.