Saturday, October 31, 2009

Full Body Shot now available....

So Lura posted pics from Tanis' party with some full body shots of me. The pics are horrible and show my weight gain....but I am not begging her to take them down. I will post a few on here so you can all see where I am basically starting from. It was a real shock to me to see them as that is not how I see myself. I still see myself in my smaller body although I know that is not reality. It is difficult to look at them and to feel good about myself, but maybe it will serve as motivation.


Cheryl said...

I am so not motivated right now, I have put back on the 4 pounds I lost! BLAH! Even with my party looming I just can't to it. I will post some full body shots too. Let's motivate each other!!

Lura said...

How about we just all agree to stay fat?

Char said...

Sounds good to me Lura!

Cheryl said...

Oh Lura has as really good point, that would be easier!

SamandSawyersMom said...

You are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!