Thursday, May 29, 2008

Since Crystal started all the talk of Peeps, here is my favorite Peep story...

Every Easter my sister and I would get Peeps in our Easter Baskets and every year my sister and I would tell our parents that we did not like Peeps. It apparantly fell on deaf ears each time because sure enough the very next year a row of bright yellow, sugary chicks would be peeking out of the tops of our baskets. One year when I was living in Michigan I had to work and couldn't make it home for Easter Sunday. I thought for sure I had escaped - or at least put on hold the Peeps. Later that week I received a card in the mail from home. It was slightly thicker than normal so I hoped my parents had sent me some cash to get something other than ramen noodles, peas and hot dogs. I tore open the envelope and pulled out the card. Upon opening the card a ziploc sandwich bag fell out with a yellow mess in it. Further inspection revealed a Peep that had been flattened by a rolling pin! My dad thought he was so clever that year.


Unknown said...

I love that story!!!! My dad still sends out the proper holiday candy to any of his kids who are far conversation hearts at VD.

Cheryl said...

Oh that is too funny. your Dad sounds really great! You are lucky to have so many wonderful memories!

Crystal said...

ha ha hilarious.....your dad sure was a funny guy!! I bet that's where you get your funny sense of humor too! I love it when you share your memories!!

Carrie said...

I like when peeps are stale! That is a very funny story! Ilike how you dad tried to pull a fast one on you!!! Very clever!