Monday, August 18, 2008

Tooting my own horn and a bit of rambling...

Wowee! I am excited! I have heard from two old college friends today thanks to Facebook! I have also located 2 others and sent them messages. It is super to reconnect with them. I stunk at college classes, but I was great at making friends. Too bad they didn't grade on that. One thing I liked (and still do) about myself is I don't discriminate. I love people and had the broadest range of friends. I have missed them and it feels really good to hear from some of them and know that the "friendship spark" is still there.
The kids are outside with Sean and I am chillin' out inside. I had a tooth pulled on Friday and my jaw is still swollen and dislocated - Thanks TMJ. I hope the swelling goes down soon!
I have been cleaning like a mad woman and so far have gotten rid of 15+ bags to the Goodwill (and a couch!) I never participated in the house tour last year, so when I am done cleaning I am going to take pictures and give you guys a tour of my house. It will be nice to have for when we move also. Aren't you all so excited! ha
I have begun working on Christmas presents and am studying my fanny off. My next lessons came in the mail today so I need to finish these up.
Have a great day!!


Cheryl said...

I finally found people I know on facebook too. I am glad it has worked out for you. Good job on the cleaning can't wait for all the pics!!

Char said...

That's awesome!
I don't get around as easy on Facebook either. I'm not on very much. Todd is on a lot though and gets it all.
Ouch on the tooth pulling!!
I'm glad school is going well! What class are you taking?

Crystal said...

I need my tooth pulled too but I am sooo bad did it hurt???

I just started facebook and am clueless!!! I do like that it's easier to find people! I found a few myself!

Amanda said...

The tooth pulling itself was relatively painless, the novicaine shots were worse! It's just the swelling and dislocating from the TMJ that is what is hurting.

I am taking medical office assistant. Insurance, billing, all that fun stuff. I will also know the major computer programs so I could really work in any office setting.

Crystal said...

Girl, you are learning things that will secure yourself a job anywhere!!! That's exactly what I did, I took all of that stuff too and have never had trouble getting jobs!!! Great skills to have! What about typing, can yu type fast???

Unknown said...

I am so proud you are sharing the school work!! Crystal my husband had 5 (yes five) teeth pulled recently (4 wisdom and a molar) and he felt better the same night!! So just do it.