Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Monday!

Jonathan, Caitlin and Luke at their first soccer game.
Gabe, black and white shorts, white shinguards - in the center- at his first game!

Jonathan swinging at the rez.
Caitlin swinging at the rez.
Luke and Johnny holding hands at soccer.
Can you tell this was our first soccer weekend? Caitlin loved it and can't wait to go back. She did really well. Jonathan liked it as well. I think the highlight for him was wearing shin guards. He got tired in the last three inutes and laid down in the middle of the field. Luke played for about 10 minutes, did something cute and people laughed, and he got embarassed and ran off the field and had a 40 minute tantrum. He said he liked when he played. He gets embarassed so easily and it completely wrecks him. Anyone have or had kids like this? I am open to suggestions on how to help him.
Gabe did awesome. He is already asking about trying out for the traveling team. It plays on Sunday afternoons, so we are really going to have to discuss it. I am not sure if he is at the level he needs to be yet, but he loves playing and it is great exercise!
You will all be happy to know that Sean fixed the shop vac this afternoon and reinstated my vacuuming privaleges. He just laughed when I asked about the library.
Gabe started school this morning. He was so scared!!! He couldn't remember his teacher's name and was worried about having homework already. I know he will do fantastic. I bought him a special after school snack and am working on the kid's bulletin board.
We went to parent orientation for the trio this am. They are in 3 separate kindergartens. I am
a bit emotional about the whole thing. I teared up this morning after dropping Gabe off! It will be tough letting them go, but I know they will have a great time.
Still waiting to hear from the dr. My foot is still swollen and painful. what a dork I am!
Have a great day!


Carrie said...

What great pictures! They are all so cute!

Char said...

Love the pictures!!

AWWW!! I would be crying my eyes out and very emotional too. I get so emotional over my kids and how fast they grow and change. I'm pretty sure I will need medication when Jacob goes away to college. Yikes!
How did it go today for Gabe? I hope he had a great day!
Will the trio be ok in seperate classes or did you ask for that?
Soccer is a lot of fun and it is very good exercise, you are right. Good luck to Gabe if you decide to do the Sunday traveling team!

Cheryl said...

wow 3 different classes! that will be hard on you if they have parties and stuff at the same time. The boys look exactly alike in the last picture! Hope the foot feel better.

It was so hard for me when Ryan first started school, I still don't like it much. I like having the schedule!

Crystal said...

Did they ask you if you wanted to split them up, or did they just do it? Three different classes......yikes! I love the pics of soccer, too cute! ha

Lura said...

Could you call me and explain why any parent would put their child into sports?