Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Back to School Shopping Bites!

I should take a picture of all the stuff I have had to buy!!!! We just got back from Staples, Meijer and Target and have hit Wal Mart and Toys R Us as well! Oh my, the amount of things they need. I was very surprised at the differences between Pleasant and Maplehurst kindergarten supply lists. We have already shelled out over $50.00 not including backpacks and lunchboxes. It is so unbelievable!

I was going to post the trios birthday pics, but I can't find what I did with the camera cord. Surprise, surprise. So I will just post some random shots today.

The kids are making me nuts. They are so bored. I am exhausted from our shopping trip and lack of sleep! Maybe Sean will do something fantabulous with them. I think we are going to work on making some cards this afternoon. I hope that Debby got her Sigmond the Sigmoid Colon card! I am not sure what we are going to make or who the lucky ducks are that will get them this time!

I have really nothing much to say. I am enjoying facebook scrabble with Lura, we are neck to neck so it will be interesting to see who wins.

Hopefully I will have a more interesting post later!

Love you all!!!!

Here are some t-ball pics. The one os of the three on base at the same time. Somehow they all usually ended up on the same base together and ran around. Usually Tanis joined them, so they ran the bases in group form!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Won't it be peaceful once school starts! I love back to school shopping!! It is expensive but FUN FUN FUN!! cute pics.