Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday child is something,something.....

Anyone remember that rhyme? I think it starts out Monday's child is full of grace... I definately am NOT a Monday's child! ha
I don't feel any better today, but am aiming for tomorrow. This has just knocked me down so hard! Ugh. I think Crystal's elephant found its way to my nose. I promise not to be so pathetic and pity myself today. I just needed a little sympathy and support yesterday, as my kids were not giving it to me!!! Maybe that's what Luke was trying to do with the fire hose....
The trio did not want to go to school today. They said they would miss me too much! I think that they will be fantastic once they get into their classroom routines. Jonathan didn't eat his lunch on Tuesday. He opened it first thing when he got into the car after school. Little stinker! As of this morning he still doesn't get that you are supposed to eat it at school! I am not sure what he is thinking.
Gabe had a great day yesterday and did not miss the bus! He came home with his nose in a book reading away and Did his homework first thing without arguing. I was so pleased! Maybe he is starting to really mature. Must be the man hair!
Sean is surviving the hectic first week up at school. He is exhausted as there is constant running around for him. He loves seeing the kids - especially the MH kids! They are so much fun and he is their special friend. Sean was sad to see the one student move on. Every time Sean would go into their classroom the boy would look sideways at him, say "What are you doing?" and when Sean answered the boy would tell him "You're fired!!!" He would lose his job several times a week!
One of the many things I love about my husband is that he has such a huge heart! He loves people and can talk to pretty much anybody. Some of my girlfriends can agree as he has sat in on fertility and period conversations! Must come from growing up with all sisters! He is supercity!
I am going to go and work on filling out my calendar for the Fall. I am determined to be organized this year! We will see if that happens!
Have a great day.
See you in the soapy farts crys!


Crystal said...

Isn't Thursday's child full of WHOA.....uhm maybe that's Wedesday's child.....I can't remember! It's your turn on scrabble!

Crystal said...

I cracked up over the title soapy farts!!! ha ha Only YOU would think of that! ha ha

Char said...

Here you go, I googled it for you:

Monday's child is fair of face;
Tuesday's child is full of grace;
Wednesday's child is full of woe;
Thursday's child has far to go;
Friday's child is loving and giving;
Saturday's child works hard for a living.
But the child that is born on the Sabbath day
is fair and wise, good and gay

Wow, look out for those Sunday births! Ha!

I hope you feel better. I'm glad the kids are doing ok with school. I bet the trio will love going once they get into the swing of things. Do they ride the bus too? That's awesome if they do. Does it pick up right by your house or in front of it? We miss out on all of that stuff. :( I hope you are enjoying your quiet days while the kids are at school! That will be good for you and Sean. It's nice to hear good things about your husband!

Char said...

HAHA! I didn't mean that the way it sounded - "it's nice to hear good things about your husband". It makes it sound like you only say bad things about him. I just meant that it's nice to read things about Sean because I don't know him very well. I've met him, but I have never really talked to him, so it's nice to get to know him thru you blog. There! How's that?! LOL

Cheryl said...

Oh Charity!! funny!

I hope they have a good day! They'll get into the swing of things!

Good for Gabe, I hope it continues!!

Cheryl said...

Ryan was born on Tuesday...but no grace!!

Char said...

Travis was on a Tuesday
Jacob on a Wednesday

Crystal said...

Cam was born on a Wednesday and Dawson was born on a Sunday!

Carrie said...

Olivia was born on a Saturday, guess we'll see if she works hard for the money!