Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I have trouble expressing my feelings and thoughts in a "public forum" like this, but I feel the need to share something. I hope my words can convey my thoughts and you can understand what I am trying to say.

I had intended for my next post to be my special post#2, but that will come a bit later. I wanted to share what has been on my mind. There has been discussion on other blogs lately about some things that frankly have bothered me. Not so much the topics, but how I felt after reading them. Now I am famous for my ability(?) to read something and come away from it with the wrong idea...i.e. Dr. Dobson's Dare to Discipline where all I got from it was he recommended killing birds, and that the best way to die is to keel over while saying grace at the dinner table. So maybe I am way off base, but here goes.

I am a Christian, albeit a struggling one, but I am a Christian. My faith really took a hit when my dad died. I never turned my back on God, but I had and truthfully still have a lot of hurt and anger. It will be 4 years tomorrow and I have yet to fully repair my relationship with God. I am trying, I want to have to have that peace in my heart and my life that only He can bring, I just can't seem to grasp it. Sometimes I feel my prayers are just falling on deaf ears and I feel deserted. I deal with the thoughts of God turning His back on me because of my anger with Him. I want it, I just can't seem to get it.

The discussions on other people's blogs and actions of people have affected me in the following ways. I feel that I am a bad mother, Christian, etc. because I send my children to public school and because my kids all play sports. I hope that this is not the message that was being sent, but that is what I got from it. If me, a struggling Christian, got that from reading it, imagine what a non-christian or someone in my shoes got from it. Were they just turned off from God all together because they aren't or can't live up to those standards? I guess I don't understand some of the reasoning behind things that were said. Am I less of a parent because I don't homeschool? Am I doing my kids a disservice? Maybe some of the things were written on the defensive. That is a message I got as well. Did people (I am referring to comments by others that were cited- not ones made by any of you- at this point) feel that their ideas were being questioned and wanted to justify their actions? Also, I have really been struggling with people who claim to be christians that won't forgive grudges, or that belittle you-unintentionally as it may be, because you don't live up to what they think is the ideal as a parent, friend, Christian, daughter, sister..... I guess you could pretty much fill in the blank on that one. Why can't people accept that everyone is different?

I can only say I am sorry so much before it is no longer sincere. I can't take back actions or words that may have hurt someone. If they are a Christian, aren't they supposed to forgive? Or shouldn't they listen to the person who upset them and hear reasons behind the actions or words? I can't take back having pre-marital sex, drinking excessively, saying hurtful things, not being prompt with things. I can only learn from the mistakes I have made.

I am not able to quote scripture, but I always thought that as Christians we were supposed to love, forgive, and accept. I shouldn't have to go anywhere, especially to church wondering if I am going to be looked down upon because my kids aren't in brand name clothes, or my shoes are falling apart. I am guilty of my own "judging" of others and of myself, and this is something I am struggling with. I try to horribly justify my words with reasoning of "it makes me feel better about myself to think or say that..." I am guilty of judging a friend of mine on her choices. The same things that I complain of I find myself doing. If I were a strong Christian, would I do that?

I guess that is all I have to say. I hope that I was able to adequately enough express my thoughts.
This post was a big step for me in conquering my fears.
Thanks for listening.


Char said...

You expressed your feelings and thoughts very well!! I am impressed and proud of you!

Crystal said...

I am so proud of you right now, I could scream!!! ha I couldn't have said it better myself....I completely agree 100 percent with what you just posted!!! Love you!

Lura said...

I'm offended.

Lura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lura said...

ok, I'm not.

SamandSawyersMom said...

i will be back with my response

Lura said...

I just read a blog post or comment about not reading blogs that don't encourage you or lift you up. It would be the same as hanging around people who brought you down. Even if they are "friends" blogs, don't read them if they are making you feel bad. Your parenting and decisions about what activities you put your children in are between you, Sean and God. No one else will have to answer to God for your choices. If you are seeking him by praying and reading the Bible on a regular basis (notice I didn't say daily), then you are going to end up in the middle of God's will for your life.

SamandSawyersMom said...

well before i say what I came to say, I want to comment on what Lura just commented.

Since it was on my blog that Amanda felt so unesy, I need to defend it a bit by saying that i was talking about (and to some judging) one particular friend's choice BECAUSE I was confused on how she would ignore other things I found important. I would hate to think that anyone thought of my post as discouraging or a downer (Intially anyway). So, you can certainly choose to read whatever you want but there is a huge difference between a hearty discussion and and one that is discouraging and mean.

Mine was not meant to say that anyone who wears skirts with knee pads under them is bad. Goodness, I have thought out the skirt thing myself or that people who discourage sports is bad. i was merely making the point that if my child couldn;t handle a simple church social setting (as I have witnessed over and over) then I would be more worried about helping that than taking away something that might help her with it. That was it.

Now , it ended up being about a lot more. But that is how it started. I am going to re-read your post to make a better informed response. BRB

Lura said...

I was pretty much just giving Amanda permission to stop reading my blog.

SamandSawyersMom said...

Okay, first off, I feel like quoting scripture is getting a bad rap. I think it is amazing to be able to quote scripture. The reason I think that it is so important is because we can't always have the word with us. The bible says something along the lines that we must bury the scriptures in our hearts. I am majorly paraphrasing here but it says something along those lines. Those who can remember scripture and use it to help others are doing the job God wants us to do.

I just noticed several comments lately about that. I am not one who remembers scripture easily but I do know that if I did, I would use it to glorify God.

Secondly, I don't think anyone yesterday specifically mentioned that sports were a bad idea except for my friend who was not privy to the conversation. Most people did say that they hadn't thought about it or researched it enough to know their opinions. I do think that if we based what Jamie said about not being around anyone corrupt or of corrupt thought, we would have to rethink sports as most of our children are not playing on Christian teams. I, however feel as I have said before, that my sons will always play sports. I love them and have seen great growth from Sammy in sports.

Although at least 2 of my friends very much disaggree, I believe that you must choose what is best for your family through God's convictions. God convicts me all the time. He always has. Many convictions have been through the bible as I am reading. Most, through sermons as they are being preached and some through experiences and watching other's experiences.

I agree with A LOT of what you said abotu not feeling like you can live up to the expectations. I also thought the exact same thing about non-Christians (who also read my blog..people I know)and how they must be SO turned off by Christian on Christian violence. (I just made that up!!) They must wonder how we can claim to be saved by grace and joyful yet so judgmental of everything about our own and even angry about it. I am including myself as I have judged plenty of christians. As I have stated before, I do nto expect a break if I am sinning. I have to go back to work. i will finish this on my blog!

SamandSawyersMom said...

why does Amanda not like LUCY???

SamandSawyersMom said...

okay I am back. I decided against starting it all up again on my blog.

The one thing that drives me nuts about blogs of our friends is that when they post a deep post like I did yesterday or you today, I often think things they said are referring to me. I hate that feeling so much. I want to scream at the computer to "say it to my face!!" or at least email me specifically. Poor Crystla has gotten the brunt of my anger over this. I HATE when that girl says something to everyone that is intended for me. I am sure she is fine with me just calling her out infront of everyone...SM. (I love you Cryssy!!)But, my point with this is that when I read your post, it shocked me a bit because i think i know where you were going with the part about forgiveness etc. It does drive me crazy because if I am correct, you could have sent ME an email!

Whether I am or not, let me say my piece on it. There is a big difference between being hurt and staying away so not to get hurt again and holding a grudge. I rarely hold grudges. Infact, i am made fun of because I forgive people so quickly after being so mad! I mean Crys stole my husband and she is my best friend. I agree that as Christians we need to forgive and to do it as promptly as possible.

Oh and I read your blog today because Crys called me formt he library and whispered into the phone "you gotta read Amandas blog".

SamandSawyersMom said...

oh and the last thing. I think it is wonderful that you posted your feelings. keep doing it. No one knows our hearts except for God and He is the only judge that matters.

Also, i do urge you to try adn move on to a closer relationship with God. He hasn't deserted you at all even though it has to feel like that. If He took one of my children ( a reoccuring dream I have had since Sammy was born) I would feel like that too. I often wonder how I will live after my parents or husband move on. I can't even imagine your pain. All I know is your answer and that is our FATHER!

Amanda said...

My post was in part referring to the discussion on Sonya's blog, but also to several others. I didn't mean to offend anyone if I did. I just desire so strongly to be a better Christian, friend, person in general. I just don't know how to do it and I feel like I just fall further and further down the harder I try.

kellerie said...

way to go!!!! i am proud of you for saying what you think!

i completely understand being mad at God - i have soooo been there after the miscarriages. all i can say is just to accept that it all makes sense to God somehow, and it is not necessarily our place to understand. not easy by a long shot, but it helped me come to terms.

as far as the blog "discussions," i have mixed feelings. first and foremost, it is that author's right to post their feelings on their own blog, and a good, healthy, discussion can always be a good thing. but, when the blog, or the comments, are used to pointedly attack someone, i don't think that's appropriate.

as far as the "christian on christian violence" (i like the term, sonya) i agree with amanda that it has the power to totally alienate nonchristians and people who are still fragile in their relationships with God. if people who profess to be deep believers can be so mean to each other, what would the attraction to christianity be for outsiders?

to me, christianity is a deeply personal thing. actually, i open that up to all religions. i admire people who know the bible well enough to quote it appropriately, but i don't think it makes me less of a christian because i can't. i admire people who base their decisions on what they feel God is directing them to do, but i make my decisions the same way. if we don't come to the same conclusions about things, well, either we're both right and that's the way God intends it, or one of us isn't listening well enough. i'm going with the idea that God intends us all to be different.
religious beliefs have cause so many problems in the world. most major wars have been fought over religion. But christianity shouldn't be about hate, or judging each other, or looking down upon anyone. Christianity is supposed to be about loving people so much that we can forgive their sins and accept them the way the are, the way God did for us.

as far as staying away from "corrupt" people, how on earth could that ever happen? who among us is pure? Besides, Jesus didn't want his disciples to stay away from the corrupt, he wanted them to get out there and show them the way. How can you do that if you isolate yourself and your children from people who believe differently than you? How can you reach out to them if you don't understand anything about their beliefs?

Personally, I am friends with people with all sorts of different beliefs, and I respect them for having the conviction to believe what they do. That doesn't mean I agree with them, but I can still like them. And, I know people of different religions who are way more devout than I. Who am I to say that their way of worshipping is less than mine? Who am I to judge what other people do? In the end, it will all come down to what God thinks of us. So, I try to do the best I can to honor what I believe he wants from me.

Okay, I think I'm done now. sorry for the long comment :)

kellerie said...

btw, sonya, i liked your post. i thought it was just you pondering something you didn't understand, and looking for other people's insights.

Carrie said...

I think Sonya's post yesterday was great. I also think it got blown way out of proportion. I felt that she was being attacked on things she posted from the heart.

I am glad you posted this today and shared your feelings. I bet you feel beter getting things off your chest!

SamandSawyersMom said...

wow, this was an excellent back and forth, thank you Amanda

Debby said...

Like I said in my comment on Capitol Punishment and killing. God is the ultimate judge. None of us can take that job, it is HIS. Do not judge. Don't hold a grudge and forgive everyone. He forgives us!!

We should live FOR Him, try to please HIM, not anyone else on earth.
God wants us to teach our children to love and to respect Him, who cares how you do it? He doesn't say the smartest or most educated will get into heaven. He doesn't care who turns out to be the most "successful" as far as earthly measures go. He wants the people that have lived as close to a righteous life as possible. If you mess up, which we ALL do, you ask for forgivness and you start over again living the best life you can live. Of course academics are important but it shouldn't be the main focus of life. Girls, teach your children to love and fear God and He will take care of the rest. Teach them that HE is the one to please, and do your best to do that. God doesn't want a homeschooler in heaven anymore then he wants a school house taught child. He wants a child of GOD. Your job as a parent is to raise a child strong in his/her faith and for you to be the best role model there is to represent that faith.