Thursday, June 19, 2008

Special Post #2 - Happy Birthday Crystal!!!!!

Well, I had great intentions for this post. I had a fancy schmancy construction paper sign that said Happy Birthday Crys! on it and tried unsucessfully to get my kids to pose with it. Then I tried taking a picture of myself holding it.... As you can see, the above picture is not either of those. I may have to try again later. Anyways.........................
I was so excited when Sonya started the not so secret sister thing last year and I got Crystal. We hit it off right away and I feel I have known her for so much longer than just a year and a half. Crystal is an amazing person. She can turn negatives into positives - I love that quality in people - and can make anyone smile and feel loved! She is an awesome wife and mother and her family is so lucky to have her! Crys is comfortable with who she is and is not afraid to be herself and I admire that so much about her. Even though my kids only have met her once, she made such an impression on them that they still talk about her to this day! I love having her for a friend and am so thankful for her. Crystal is an encourager when I need to be encouraged, she provides me with smiles when I need them and I know that I can talk to her about all sorts of things from serious to wild and crazy and she will understand. She didn't even get mad when I accidentally spoiled American Idol results!!!! oops!
So Happy birthday my friend! I love you lots!!!!!!!


Crystal said...

ahh Amanda Panda, that was sooo sweet!!! Thank you so much! I feel the exact way about you, it feels like we've known each other for much longer than we have...I love how thoughtful you are with your cards and mail you send to me, thanks for the spongebob certificate and the candy coupons, you are the best at that!!! You make me smile always! Oh and I hung the spongebob certificate up in my cube at work! ha ha and i have a picture of you and me and of all of your kids in my cube too! I love looking over at all of you while I am working! Your friendship means the world to me as well! Thank you for your post!!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

amanda i am writing you back. i have most of it done but got side tracked today. didn't want you to worry about it. love ya!

Carrie said...

Awww...that was really sweet!