Monday, February 2, 2009


I think my youngest child reverted back to being 2 this afternoon. When he got home from school he had his snack, played with Caitlin, colored all over a section of the living room wall in pencil and number 2-ed in his pants, in the bathroom, when I sent him to time out. What on earth is he doing?!! The only reason I knew he had had an accident was when Luke complained that something was really stinky. Jonathan had "cleaned himself up" which leads me to think that it truly was an accident and not him acting out. He doesn't have accidents! I wonder what happened? And why on earth would he color on the walls? ARGH!!!!
Motherhood is never dull, is it?


Unknown said...

Couch cover off, 2 quilts in progress & Dr. Pepper on the floor, Andrew peed 2x & pooped once, did not get underwear laundry done yesterday so was already scrounging for more for him & refuse a diaper thank you, not many contractions, don't know when husband will be home tonight (some other contractors are there today or tomorrow) he also has dentist appointment tomorrow night then to Cali until Friday night (late) when my inlaws are coming, oh and Andrew now has bite marks all over his one arm...SELF inflicted!All I want is a pint of ice cream!

Cheryl said...

nope never dull!! sorry you have had a "crappy"day. sorry I couldn't resist.

SamandSawyersMom said...

whoa baby. those were doozies. but they are great stories later that will make you laugh.

Carrie said...

Maybe he was bored?

kellerie said...

"thinking of you - while you deal with the poo!"