Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Looking at the World Through Pink Colored Eyeballs

Hey ya... (read like the guy sings on Carrie's blog)
As you can probably guess from the title, I have pink eyeball. Only one so far. I woke up with it this morning. I guess it's my gift from my runny nosed kids! I will survive :)
Sean and I have been busy emptying the last of the stuff from the white house. We finished clearing out the garage this morning. Basically all that is left is the ceiling fans and the flooring which Sean will get tomorrow. I told him that while I am sad because it is the first house we bought, etc. I think I am more relieved that this will finally be done. They tagged the house last week, so they are going to be padlocking it up soon. I guess it was because it was vacant. I am so ready to close that chapter on our lives! It is a mess inside because the radiators all burst. No heat, No electricity, Cold Weather apparantly = burst radiators! The dining room ceiling is sagging now really bad because of the leaking. There was no way to drain them and it was something nobody even thought about happening.
We went grocery shopping and it was very uneventful. No singing or walking like my thighs were glued together this time.
Oh no, the phone just rang and it was Gabe's school. He is in the office with a fever of 101. Poor guy! Sean just left to pick him up. I need to go and get his bed ready.
Have a good day!


Carrie said...

I hope your pink eyeballs are white and clear again.

I didn't know you lived in the white house? I guess you had to move out to make room for the Obama's?

I hope Gabe feels better soon.

Lura said...

Fun fun! How come you never let anyone else share in your festivities?