Sunday, February 1, 2009

Now I get how Kellie felt driving her spytruck...

Sean pointing to the smoking engine. Unfortunately the wind shifted so the smoke switched direction.
This picture doesn't do it justice, but you get an idea.

On our way to WalMart this morning our van started smoking really bad. It was coming in the inside in yellowish,grayish smoke and surrounding the outside. We pulled into a parking lot (ironically a car dealership) and got out while smoke poured out. So there we are, standing in the lot with 2 crying kids, 1 waiting to see flames and me in my pajamas. Thank the Lord we can find humor in our life! After waiting for about 15 minutes the smoking stopped, we said a quick prayer and headed home. Thankfully the van lasted until we pulled in and then smoke poured out again. The pictures don't do it justice. It sure was a sight, and a smell!
So now we are waiting to see what happens. It has been about a half hour and the smoke has died down some. Maybe this is God's way of telling us we should not skip church!
Hope you all have a great day!