Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My dream is to someday be the Incredible Hulk....

but I think I look more Jolly Green Giant.
Today is such a dreary day. They are calling for 1-2 " of snow tonight. The kids will be happy.
Things here are going along well. The kids are crazy as always. We have once again entered the stage where nudity is preferred over clothing. It's mainly my 2 youngest boys. Caitlin is happiest in her Cinderella dress and pink bathrobe. Gabe is just annoyed by everyone and everything.
Tonight is LOGOS, so I need to figure out how to get to the church and then bring home the 4 kids as I have no vehicle. Sean and I are not sure what we should do. I am still unable to find a job, I keep looking, and a car payment is a scary thought. We also have to pay the orthodontist next month and then go on a payment plan with him for Gabe's teeth. Argh! It never ends!
I know that God is in control and things will work out. It is just hard to wait for God's time when I want it done now!
I am amazed at how fast my kids are growing. Gabe is in high water pants lately because he hit a growth spurt again. Caitlin is rarely in shirts that meet her pants as she has become very long in the torso, Luke has been growing out more than up, and Johnny is just so solid. They are going through pants and shoes faster than I can keep up!
Change is just everywhere! I guess it is inevitable, as much as I want it to stay the same sometimes.
I have been feeling lonely lately. I think a lot of it is hormones and winter blahs. I am teary a lot and can't really say why. I hate feeling sad so much! I hope that when the warmer weather comes the better moods come.
Boy, this is such an uplifting post!
I hope you all have a good day. Thanks for listening.


Cheryl said...

I think the blahs are from the weather. Snow, ice, rain, mud yuck!!! It is just gray all the time, dirty, yucky! I can't wait for leaves on the trees and beautiful flowers blooming! I hope things get better for you. I love ya!!

Crystal said...

Part of it is definitely the weather! being cooped up in the house and you have been dealing with sick kids for the past two weeks and sick will get better! today is a yucky gloomy day, no sun but as soon as the nice weather hits and you can get outside more, your spirits will lift, I know mine do!!! Love you and you know I am always here to listen! thanks for posting the mask picture!!! hahaha love it!

Carrie said...

I think its all weather. Its up and down cold and snowy. Its just dreary. I always get to a point (usually first of March) where I am sooooo over the winter.

I hope you feel better and keep smiling with your beautiful face.

Unknown said...

I tried to call, but you must have been screening from crazy pregnant girl. I hope to have some time tomorrow.

kellerie said...

i think it's the time of year, too. it never fails, all the bad financial stuff happens in January and February. hang in there! - and feel free to call once in a while!

Char said...

Sorry you feel so yuck! I can relate. :)
You look lovely in your green! It reminds me of Todd. He goes around the house pretending to be Hulk and saying "Hulk angry" in a loud voice. haha!