Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Frustration Overload....

So I am unsure of what I need to do next.
I am struggling with my courses, I can't learn Microsoft Office to save my life - and right now my studying isn't paying the bills. I apply for every job that I am qualified for, and even a few I'm not, and don't get any responses. 11 years of being a stay at home mom does not do much to make me marketable.
We are barely scraping by on Sean's income and I really need to add to it. There are a lot of extra expenses that will be coming up (Orthodontist & dental bills for one!)

Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do? I feel so useless right now. How can I make myself more attractive to potential employers??? How can I get a job!!!!!!!!!


Lura said...

I know it won't make you feel better, but finding a job in this economy is not easy for anyone (and yes I realize you have been looking or awhile). Thankfully BO is going to save us all. I mean thankfully we serve a big God who takes care of our needs even when we can't figure out how it's going to happen! Praying for you!

Cheryl said...

Unfortunately I have no good advice. But I will pray for you!

kellerie said...

we've been praying for you. hopefully it all works out soon!