Saturday, January 27, 2007

So - last night around 11:30 Sean noticed a running water sound. We have an older house with radiators, so I assumed that's what the noise was. Was I ever wrong!! A pipe burst in our basement, there was water pouring through the foundation and our sump pump broke! We are starting to really feel cursed. This morning we decided that donuts were in order for breakfast so we ran to the store and then took a ride to the reservoir to see the ducks. There were a ton. I rolled down the window and made loud honking sounds and they honked back, which thrilled the kids. I think they thought I was actually talking to them. Call me Mother Dolittle! As we were leaving, Sean hit some ice and we slid. This caused great laughter from the back, so he did it again several more times. I know, real smart, especially with our luck! Anyways, we saw a man walking a looking at us and Sean and I, mature and responsible that we are cracked up. We are waiting for the letter to the editor to appear about the red van that reeked of donuts and fast food which makes a funny noise when it turns and had screaming kids in the back driving irresponsibly at the local park. I say after our week and then last night, we are allowed to be dorks. Have a great weekend.


Crystal said...

I love it!!! I love the way you keep moving ahead and not let all this craziness get you down! What a great influence on your kids......just great attitudes and spirits!

pancost said...

it's not like that's the craziest thing you've done at the reservoir! remember sledding behind the car???

SamandSawyersMom said...

Wow, how do you do it. I am really emotional right now because I can't imagine staying so happy. I wish I could drive up there and rescue all of you and put you in a perfect house ( if there is such a thing) and take care of you. Why does this stuff happen to you?? I don't get it. I am going to pray for you so much and ask God's richest blessings on your life. I love you Amanda!

Amanda said...

Thank you! Sean is attempting to install a new sump pump right now...pray it goes well!!!

And Kellie - if our kids asked...we never ever did that!