Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Any Ideas?

My kids will not go to sleep when they are supposed to. We have tried everything we can think of to keep them in their room, but nothing has worked. I can't shut their door because they can open it. I double gate them in and they climb 2 gates. I am getting quite frustrated. Their bedtime has turned into 11:00 pm or later. Even without naps!!! I am going to lose my mind. The 8:00 - 11:00 timeframe is my relaxtion time, or supposed to be. Does anyone have any good advice???

*I just pulled a fully dressed Luke from the bathtub full of water and Gabe!!! Why do they do that???


SamandSawyersMom said...

My answer will not be popular but it is all that works. You can put them in their rooms after the bedtime routine. Every single time they come out, you put them back in without so much as a glance in their direction, not a single word should be spoken. Do it for as long as it takes even if it is all night (start on a weekend) and each night will get better and shorter. Also keep a sticker chart and reward any good behavior or strides anyone makes. Or, you could start by doing the chart and just telling them what you expect of them. I would ridiculously reward anyone who does it right. I mean have a dang parade, take that one out to eat while the others stay home, whatever it takes. My husband and I follow everything the doctor says except sleeping rules. We do our own thing with our kids but it works for us. We had to do this once with Sammy and we just had to be consistent.

Amanda said...

It is so hard for me to be consistent. That is one of my major faults. With triplets you kind of have to be too!!!I am going to try the sticker chart. I know Lura does that with pottying and her boys love their stickers. Aarghh! I feel like such a bad mommy sometimes!

SamandSawyersMom said...

You can't be a bad mommy when you care and you do. keep plugging away.

Crystal said...

You are definitely not a bad mommy! We all have things we struggle with in parenting our children. None of us are perfect! I like Sonya's idea!

Char said...

I like Sonya's idea too! It may be a pain and frustrating, but it will eventually work. You are not a bad mommy! You are a great mom who cares about her children. We all go through those times of struggle! Trust me, I know!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Amanda, I am trying to reach you through email but it won't go through. WHY NOT? My email is Samandsawyersmom@aol.com, can you email me so I can write you. I am coming up to see you guys and I want to ask you question.