Wednesday, January 24, 2007

It's my crazy life and believe it or not...I love it!!!!

First off - God is good!!!!! We have lights and heat and it didn't cost nearly as much as it was supposed to. Still more than we could afford, but we can mange :)
We are now in the 60's for temperature and my mom is keeping the kids one more night. Ah the kids....let me tell you about our evening!
I picked up the trio from daycare at 3:15, went to my sister's to meet my brother in law and niece, Carmen by 3:30 so I could babysit until Amy got back from Scarlett's dr.'s appt. I then took over for Carmen and Scarlett plus my 4 until Scott got home at 5:45. Luke dumped the container of food into the guinnea pigs cage, Caitlin discovered what an ice and water dispenser do, Johnny got hit with the worst smelling #2, Gabe accidentally locked the bathroom door when he came out, so we had no potty, the 6 kids decided to play pull each other down the stairs - when Gabe was finished teaching them karate....I was pretty tired - too bad the kiddos weren't!
After dinner Luke and Scarlett collided coming around the corner. Luke was ok, Scarlett had a dark blue goose egg that immediately popped up over her eye. A little bit after Sean got back the little kids were playing in the step down family room off the kitchen. We still aren't sure what happened but all of a sudden Jonathan started to cry and came into the kitchen with blood streaming between his fingers covering his face. I have never seen so much blood in my life!!!! Luckily Sean and Scott are better at situations like this as I lost it. We git the bleeding to slow enough to find a small gash over his left eye. It bled like crazy. We called the pediatrician and
he had us come to the office where he cleaned things up and used glue instead of stitches to fix him up. It was traumatic, but the fighters that we are, we got through it. God must be bored, or testing us!!!! We give glory to Him that we are all healthy, Johnny's injury wasn't worse, we have light and heat, and I have amazing friends!!! Thanks guys.
I know that tomorrow is going to be a good day. Maybe a snow day??? Wear your pj's backwards everyone.


kellerie said...

The fun just never stops in your world, does it?

SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh, I am always laughing after your posts. I would honestly die in all of these situations. I would WANT all the kids sitting nicely in a circle...they would think I was nuts. You go girl!

Crystal said...

Wow, what a day!!! I agree, I would have lost my mind! We wore our pj's backwards and it snowed and snowed this morning but there was still school! UGH!