Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year Friends!!!

Happy New Year! I am really looking forward to 2007. Sean and I are approaching the upcoming year with excitement, positivity and openess. We feel that this year is one of promise and that God has good things in store for us and our family.

We had a nice Christmas, hosting 39 people for Christmas Eve at our house (including 2 5 day old babies) and we had a fairly relaxing Christmas day at my mom's and then my grandma and grandpa Pool's. The kids, as well as Sean and I, were spoiled but compared to last year it was good time.

We have four new members in our family. A snail named Gary, and 3 fish...Mary, Joseph and Jesus. I am not sure about the names for the fish, but Gabe was insistant. Mary #1 passed away the day after we got her, but Mary#2 is surviving!

Gabe did a super job in the church Christmas program. He provded a bit of comic relief when a panel of the wall behind him fell on him during the program! What a hoot!!! He had such a look of terror on his face - the "boy did I do it now" one- and was rescued by 2 of the adults helping out. My sister said he was just carrying on the Emmons tradition as my dad had dozed off one Sunday in the choir loft and a banner on the wall fell down and covered him, waking him up! Those who knew my dad knew that he was a professional napper. Gabe on the other hand, was wide awake!!

Tomorrow Gabe and the triplets start back to school and daycare. I am looking forward to my quiet time again! Sean is hoping to have the upstairs bathroom done in the next 3 weeks. I can't wait!

We have recovered from New Year's Eve. Gabe went with my sister, Scott and the girl's to Pastor Edna's where he got to play with his friends. Sean, the trio and I went to Kellie, Brian and Tanis' house and had a ball. The only bad part was the 2 hour crying fit when tiredness set in, that and we missed the ball dropping because the Teletubbies were on!!
But it was fun, and nice to be with grown ups. The four kids have so much fun playing together. Tanis and Caitlin insist that they will be getting married. (They are 3!!!!) They are all just so cute. Thanks Kellie and Brian for a fun night!!! (WE HAD PLANS!!!)

I have to go and use my mean mommy voice on some little monsters.... I hope that you all have a blessed New Year.


Lura said...

Tell Tanis to stay away from Caitlin. She and Ethan are getting married!

Lura said...

Oh yeah! I'm also impressed that you not only posted, but did it in color!

Amanda said...

I figured that one out by myself - still no pictures though!!!

kellerie said...

Sorry Lura, Tanis is quite insistent. he even told me it didn't matter if caitlin saw him in his underwear because they're getting married someday anyways! (I swear, i am NOT coaching him on any of this!)

SamandSawyersMom said...

You should write family newsletters as a business. I just want to move right in with you.

Amanda said...

Sonya - you are welcome anytime!!!