Tuesday, January 2, 2007

One of those days...

2 posts in 2 days...I don't know what's wrong with me!!! You are all probably in shock. :)

Sean had an interview for a second/part time job today. They seemed impressed with him and he was really pleased with how things went. They will be contacting him in a week or two. PLEASE pray that this works for us!

I am having one of those days. I am feeling down and out. I did have some laughter when I was being "sexy" for Sean, who was trying to get work done, and I flipped my shirt over my head and got my lip stuck on a button. He pretended not to know me. I'd like to say that it has never happened before...unfortunately I can't. I am the queen of not unzipping hooded sweatshirts and then getting my head stuck in them when trying to take them off. I blame my body - our kids pediatrician said that our children were out of luck as Sean and I both have rather large heads. I was quite offended!! I also managed to get a prescription pill bottle stuck in my hair over the weekend, and a few weeks ago I got my sleeve stuck in the tube at the bank. But - notice that I admit to these things. (Maybe that's where I go wrong.) I am noticing a trend though. I could fill an entire post with things I have gotten stuck to, under, over or in! Lura and Kellie could probably add to that list. Girls - you don't really need to.

Back to my down and out...I tend to get off track easily anymore. Must be the 4 kids, wacky husband and old age. Or it could be the lack of sleep, diet coke and chocolate. I am feeling really stressed out about finances and am having some health issues. I am trying to pray about it and turn it over to God, but I have such problems with the control aspect. I want to know when and how things are going to be resolved. How do I deal with that?

I am trying to be a better Christian woman, a better wife, mother and friend this year. I monopolize conversations too much (sorry Lura!) and I also apologize too much. I don't think that I will be getting my sticker this week. And no doubt I will apologize for that too!
I think that I am the only 32 year old woman who gets stickers from her therapist! But - it makes me happy. One of those little things.

Thanks for reading my ramblings. Sometimes it makes me feel better to write about nothing.


SamandSawyersMom said...

I have no doubt that you have things that COULD make you feel down and I know (from Lura) that you have had some health problems but as I read your posts, I know that you will be alright. You have a spirit like no other and God must use that in amazing ways. I wish I was closer to see it for myself. I love your humor and it makes me happy. Can you imagine all the people that have become happy because of you and your fun attitude? My friend, you may not be the perfect Christian, (who is?) but you are special and you have been given an oppurtunity to touch so many, and I am one of them. God reminds me daily that HE created amazing human beings when I hear from people like you. You keep your chin up, money is nothing compared to the work that you will do in the lives of those babies and the people around you. You deserve more than a sticker and someday, all the rewards you can handle, will come your way. I am going to stop and pray for you right now. LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU!!

Amanda said...

Thank you so much Sonya!!!!

Char said...

Hang in there! I don't know you really well, but I do know that you do have a great sense of humor. That is what will get you through the tough times! Keep plugging away and keep your positive attitude!
That's awesome you get stickers! I would love to get a sticker! haha! Do you get a reward for getting a certain amount of stickers? :)