Thursday, October 1, 2009

What A Day!

What a day this has been! It was a hectic morning getting the kids off to school and I was really testy with Sean. I felt bad about it, he had no clue why, but I knew. You'll find out later.
Yesterday I went to the dentist because I have a lump under my jaw that is very tender. I assumed teeth issues, so I got in to see Dr. Adam. He did an exam and xray and said he didn't think it was anything dental but wanted me to see my fam. doctor, so I got an appointment for this morning.
After getting the kids off to school I went to the appointment. First I got on the scale and there was a 10 pound weight gain! That about did me in. The nurse said that the scale always weighs heavy, but I always weigh on that scale, so it was a 10 pound gain regardless. I told her why I was there and she put me in an exam room. I sat for a few minutes and then started crying! It was awful, I couldn't stop the tears so I just sat and cried! The doctor came in and asked what was wrong. I was so embarrassed! She went and got Kleenex and I told her - "I know it's not why I am here, but I don't think my anti-depressant is effective anymore." She said "Really?!" and smiled. I told her how I have cried so much over the past months and have just felt so down. That I am not able to be the mother I need to be and take care of my family because I can't take care of myself. She listened while I went on and then said that because I suffer from chronic depression medications won't always stay effective. Instead of changing medications again, she is adding a new one. The side effects are Parkinson's like tremors and medication induced diabetes, but they will monitor me very closely. She thinks it will really help me to have this combination.
Then we discussed my lump which is a swelling of the sub-mental lymph node (and yes, we caught the humor in the name!) I told her that the enlarged lymph node in my armpit probably just got tired and moved up. Doubtful. So they will be monitoring this as well, but think it is probably nothing.
So then I told her that I had one other thing to discuss and I held up my swollen, bruised hand. Last night while I was doing homework with Gabe, the triplets were in bed screaming and fighting, Jonathan threw up because I gave him cough medicine, Caitlin had a tantrum over where she was going to sleep, etc. I said "I am just one person! I can't do everything at once!!!" and I pounded my fists for emphasis on the desk. Well, apparantly when you have already fractured a hand, something like that can cause injury again. Huh. So she ordered an xray at the hospital.
I go to leave. I am a mess from the crying, feeling huge from the weight gain, and babying my hand just hoping to make it through the waiting area and out to the car without calling any attention to myself. I did real well until I got to the door. There was a drug rep coming in with many bottles of pill samples stacked in a pyramid on a tray. I held the door for him and as I was closing it somehow managed to hit his tray and the bottles went flying. The waiting room was full and there was not a sound. So I apologized and helped pick them up with tears starting again and make it to my car before the sobbing hits. I get home and tell Sean what happened at the appt. including showing him my hand which I had kept from him. He was so good about everything and held me while I cried for several more minutes. I told him I could go to the hospital alone so he could finish mowing the lawn.
I get there and wait to be called to the window to sign the papers. Again it is a crowded waiting room and I am sitting there with red ringed eyes and the nasty crying look just hoping no one pays any attention to me. They call my name and I go up to the window. I adjust my coat and send the cup full of pens flying! Oh brother!
I finally got the xray and made it home without further incident. Now I am just waiting on the dr's office to call with the results. I am praying for a sprain. I really don't want to be casted again. I know I made it look like so much fun last time, but it really isn't!
The trio just got home and I need to make their snacks and Gabe's dinner before football.
Have a great day!


Cheryl said...

Oh Amanda! I hope the new meds work and don't have the side effects for you. We have all had clumsy and crying days. I have cried many times with a confused husband holding me wondering what on earth was wrong. He didn't know because I didn't. Feel better, know you are loved! Smile! You are a riot, you make so may others laugh and bring so much happiness to is, you deserve some of it yourself!!

Char said...

Wow! What a day is right!!
I hope everything turns out ok for you.
I hate those crying days and those days when I feel I can do nothing right. It's frustating.
I'm happy that you have Sean to support and hold you!

kellerie said...

poor girl! i hate those days when nothing goes right. I think you need a girls' night!

Victoria Willer said...

First don't we have a girls' night next week already schduled?! Plus at least it would only be one cast, and your kids can shower themselves!