Sunday, November 23, 2008

Well, at least we haven't burned down the house...

So, today I was building a fire - in the fireplace, of course. I know you are all wondering why on earth would anyone let me do that.... Sean was cold enough and desperate enough. It took me a good half and hour to get it started. Don't laugh...the other day it took Sean an hour and a half -no lie! It wasn't a roaring blaze, but it was respectable enough. After awhile Sean went out to the kitchen and smelled smoke. He looked into my mom's basement and it was pretty hazy looking. So he yelled for me and we went down. The stench was horrendous and the haze (some may call it smoke) hurt my eyes. We couldn't find anything on fire and the smoke alarms, which were all in working order, were not going off, so we went back upstairs and turned on ceiling fans and opened windows. My mom got home about an hour later and walked in and gagged. I didn't think it was that bad anymore. Turns out that I somehow managed to get it so smokey in the fireplace that it was coming out into the basement. Oh yeah, I forgot to open the damper thingy for about an hour too. Apparantly that is not good. Luckily my mom had some stuff from the fire department, from the time SHE melted the tupperware containers in her oven, and set it in dishes around the house to absorb the odor. It smells a lot better now.
Yesterday the kids managed to knkock over a large planter that hit some antique dishes and broke one. I was mortified, as I thought that it was from the Belfry, but it was the same pattern that my mom found at a garage sale. Turns out my cousin Sue had the Belfry china on a shelf in her china hutch that inexplicably collapsed one day and shattered all the dishes. Thank God that wasn't our fault!!! So my mom wasn't that upset about the dish. The plant that fell over had come unpotted and Sean, not seeing that it was full of huge thorns, grabbed to put back in and got his hand all pricked up. He recovered. So did my ears! Tonight I was cross stitching and was holding the needle between my lips so I could clip the floss. Somehow I managed to bump the needle and it drove the point right into my gum between my two front teeth. It hurt incredibly for about a minute and then the pain disappeared and the bleeding stopped. Sean seemed to think it was funny.
So this has been what I can remember of our weekend. I am sure more happened, but these were the highlights. I hope that you all have a great Monday!


Cheryl said...

Oh amanda you crack me up!! we have all made fires without opening the flue!! we had a fire this weekend too but it was uneventful. just a simple fire in the fire place and we have a gas starter so it took about 3 seconds, boring i know. i hope your gums feel better...ouch!!

Carrie said...

You need your own reality show. YOu would make millions!
I probably would have forgot to open the flue too. That is funny.

Crystal said...

hahaha my dearest Amanda!!! you are too funny......I agree with Carrie, you need your own show girlfriend! ha

Char said...

OH my! You are so funny! I think you'd better go find a deal on a huge plastic bubble to live in dear! ;) But then you'd probably pop it with your cross stitch needles! :)