Monday, November 17, 2008

Maybe some good news to share....

Thanks to Victoria we got a lead on a house. We went and looked at it and are putting in our application this afternoon. It turns out the renter knows both our families and said it would be a pleasure to rent to us! They are waiving the application fee as well. It has a huge yard and a paved!!!! driveway that is the longest I have seen. It wraps around the house and there are two entrances. I am excited, I think we have a good chance of getting it. We would try to move in around the first of December if we get it. Oh, it has 3 bedrooms so Caity-Grace would get her princess room! I am going to put it all in God's hands, after all he knows what is best for us. Oh, one other exciting thing is that it has coathooks!!!! In two places, none the less! We didn't have any at the house. And it has a large laundry room....I could go on. I don't want to get too excited until we know for sure, but I can't help it. It will be a real bummer if we don't get it, but I am going to remain positive!
Love you guys!
Crystal....I hope that you aren't feeling funky today. You are an amazing person. I love you dearly!!!! May today be a great day for you.
Carrie....I hope that you can read this! I hope that your eye is better and you are feeling very comfortable. EYE think about you often and EYE hope that you are feeling "SPEC"tacular today!!!! Love you too!


Cheryl said...

YAY!!! A house, i just know you'll get it! and in time for Christmas YAY YAY i am so excited for you and for caitlin and her princess room. good luck , let us know as soon as you get the good news!!

Char said...

THAT'S AWESOME! I am really happy and excited for you guys! I'm sure it'll all work out!

Crystal said...

Oh my gosh!!! I am sooo excited for you!!! I just know you will get it, so awesome! I knew your rainbow was coming!!! I love you AMANDA PANDA!!!

Carrie said...

Wow! The house sounds great! You will have to post pictures when/if you get it. I have a good feeling about it.

Eye am feeling good today. A little gassy, but better :)