Friday, November 14, 2008


That is how I feel today. Completely nutsy!
Sean and I had to run to Lowe's this morning and since we were all the way over there we stopped in at Target. The dollar section at the front was filled with Cars, HSM, Camp Rock, Hello Kitty and Disney Princess things. We got some stocking stuffers for the kids.
Last night was the triplets school night at Burger King. It was a horrendous experience and I have banned anymore. The kids were rotten! Gabe complained about everything and I could do nothing right! I thought it was supposed to get better when he hit ten... Caitlin threw a tantrum when we tried to leave and laid on the floor in the crowded restaurant. The boys behavior was awful, although Luke did not throw ketchup at me this time.


I am being more consistent than ever, I am doing everything that I know to do and it is only getting worse. I am so frustrated right now that I am ready to give up. I never will though, I love my kids too much to do that.

Dropping the triplets off this morning was terrible and the boys turned off the alarm clock so we had half an hour to get everyone dressed and off to school. No one got breakfast this morning because there was no time. Luke blamed us, he said if we didn't want them to turn off the clock then we shouldn't have one. WHAT?????

Thanks, I just needed a minute to vent.

Have a good day.


Unknown said...

Keep being consistant, Super Nanny says that it gets worse before it gets better. I am having many fun battles myself of late...jumping on furniture and refusing to eat are the 2 big ones.

Cheryl said...

oh my! you poor thing, you are not a horrible parent. you love your kids and you do the best you can, that is the important thing. i have the same problem with ryan, he is so mean and mouthy too me, n o matter what i do, i ground him, send him to his room, smack his mouth, nothing works. he is so good to and for everyone else. what else can i do?? why is it they are so rotten for the one who does the most with and for them?? hang in there, you aren't alone, some day they give us grandchildren we can spoil and send back home to them!! I love ya!!

MissSonya said...

Oh my. I think it is harder to go back then to be strict from the beginning. IF you weren't consistent before then they are just depending on that even though you have changed. Your kids have to be able to anticpate what you will do so that they decide whether it is worth it before they do it. I know it is hard... There are times I want to let things go but I know they will remmeber that so quick when I am stead fast and it will screw it all up. Hang in there.

Lura said...

I have heard the same thing as Victoria. Hang in there!

Crystal said...

It does get worse before it gets better, there was a time that Daws had me in tears everyday, he was sooo bad!! I even resorted to spanking him one time and he turned around and laughed at me and told me it didn't hurt! I then came up with a diciplinary action for every offense and dedicated the whole week to nothing but catching everything thing he did and giving him his consequences every single time......there's a book by Lisa Whelchel, called Creative Corrections and I used alot of her methods, it's an awesom book and easy read, I read it in a day. It helped sooo much I cannot tell you! Implemented her consequences and mades sure I didn't let anything slide and I only had to do it for two days and he never had a problem with those things again. Parenting is extremely tough and it's easy for us mother's of singletons to talk about how we handled things with out kids but like I told you before, you have triplets which is a different ballgame! None of us know how'd we be with three kids the same age acting out the way they are........don't beat yourself up, just keep on what you've been doing and they will get it. Love you girl!!!! I am praying everything gets better for you!

Carrie said...

You are a terrific mother, don't let it get you down even though I am sure its frustrating.

I know Olivia isn't 2 yet, but she has been in the terrible two's for a few months now. Its getting better (the tantrums) but they still happen on occasion. Matt and I have found the best thing is to be consistant with her and yes, she has had a couple butt spankings. But we have found being consistant with her and not giving into her when she throws a fit is way better than giving in each time. Sometimes I have to take a step back and think to myself am I doing the right thing by not doing this or that and there has been a couple of incidences where I think I am being a little too hard on her. I mean, she is only 21 months!

I know dealing with 3 5 year olds and a 10 year old is a lot different than 1 21 month old, but I just wanted to share.

It will get better. children are a blessing...keep reminding yourself of that :)

Char said...

Sorry the kids are being so ornary! It will get better. It just takes time and consistancy and it sounds like that's what you are doing. Besides that, i'm sure your living arrangements are stressful for everyone at times! Hang in there. It'll get better! We all have times like that. Jacob was very strong willed (still is, but easier to punish and control now) and I remember melt downs at the park and me dragging him to the car. I remember Todd carrying him out of stores over his shoulder and people staring at us as Jacob screamed bloody murder. It happens to us all, just not usually 3 at a time!