Monday, November 24, 2008

Weekend Highlights Part Deux:

How could I forget the most traumatic part of my weekend????
On Saturday the kids went outside to play. My mom has Koi Pond that is in the shape of a kidney. It is maybe 15-18 feet long and 4 1/2 feet at its widest points. It comes right to the tops of my knees, so it is not too deep. Well the kids know to stay away from it....they are continuously told. I sent them out and was checking every few minutes out the window. All of a sudden I heard Luke wailing. Sean ran outside and discovered a sopping wet Luke standing next to the pond. I ran up and ran a warm bath and we stripped him and put him in the water. It turned cold almost immediately! He was shaken up for not even 5 minutes before he was talking about the whole thing like it was some great adventure. I was not happy. Apparantly the kids were checking to see if the pond was frozen solid. Girls, I was so scared! Caitlin is proud to announce that she is the only one who has not fallen in, but all the other times have been in the summer! I thanked God over and over for keeping Luke safe. Even though the water is not deep, it was deep enough and ice cold!


Cheryl said...

oh my gosh, i would have freaked. then i would have beat ryan for scaring me to death. he fell in our little bitty pond when he was about 3, i was standing right there saying ryan don't lean that far.

Crystal said...

wow, what a scarey incident!!! I would have been a crying shaking mess! I am sooo glad Lukey is okay!! PRAISE GOD!

Char said...

Oh my goodness! I would have freaked as well! I'm glad he is ok! Water + little kids = scares me!

Carrie said...

That is scary, but you will probably look back and laugh about it.

Glad he is ok...and warm!