Sunday, August 12, 2007

My Statement Yet/Question....

I was at a store know for its blue light specials yesterday. There were long lines and I had been waiting for a few minutes when a cashier came up and tapped me on the shoulder and said she was opening a new lane and I could come on over. Even though I was last in line, I still went. Hey, I had an invitation that everyone around me had heard. I felt sooo bad and uncomfortable once I started checking out. Was I wrong to go? The cashier personally told me to go on. Should I have let the people in front of me go? It is not consuming me, but boy do I have guilt over this. I feel like I was wrong.
What would you guys have done?


Crystal said...

It is the polite thing to do to let the people who are in front of you go first and then if they don't go, then you go. That's what I was taught to do. I also let someone who has like 2 or 3 items go in front of me in line if I have a ton in my cart. It's just being courteous but it's not a big deal that you went, I'm sure no one was scarred from it! ha ha

SamandSawyersMom said...

oh who cares??? I mean if soemoen had a problem with it wouldn't they have sadi soemthinga dn then you could let them go first.

You know what is sad? You have so many bad things happen to you (ie rising belly) and you take it like a strong woman but if God sends a little sinshine your way, you worry about it all day. Embrace it and say thank you Lord for getting me out of that store before I spent any more money.

You are a good woman Amanda and you need to understand that and move forward. Do it different next time if it bothers you but concentrate on the tiny blessing God sent you.

Carrie said...
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Carrie said...

I would have pushed you down if you got in front of me.

Amanda said...

Thanks Carrie! Remind me never to be within a store 50 miles of where you live!!!! ha ha