Monday, August 13, 2007

Late Night Fun at the ER

Last night we put the kids to bed and Gabe started coughing and saying his tummy hurt. He uses this all the time to get out of going to bed, cleaning his room, etc. so I told him to stop whining/faking it and go to sleep. He kept coughing, some obviously forced and complaining, so I finally said to come and sit with me on the couch. When he did we could see that his chest was moving really funny. I don't know how to describe it, He wsa really having to work to breathe and when he take a breath his chest wouldn't move much, and when he'd exhale it would kid of pop out, but he wasn't releasing all the air he took in, just really weird! So Sean called the pediatrician who said he needed to go to the ER asap. My mom got here to watch the trio and we took him out. It turns out he was having something like a bronchialspasm (?). His "breathing tubes" were spasming and he wasn't getting enough air. They gave him some breathing treatments and steroids and an inhaler to use if it starts to happen again. The dr. said that it might be a once every 5 years type thing or it could happen more often. Sean has asthma and it is hereditary, so we just have to watch and we will talk to the pediatrician of course. The medicine made him so incredibly hyper!!! He was feeling 100% better by the time we came home, stopping by McDonald's for a diet coke of course. When we got home I remembered Lura's post about the meteor shower, so we went and stood in the backyard. It was about as disappointing as the space station night, although we saw one really bright one. Then nothing...
Gabe is doing just fine this morning and we are going to go and play at Kellie's. I wonder what other fun is in store for us today??? Hopefully no more hospital trips!


Cheryl said...

Oh my goodness girl. You guys have the worst luck! I hope Gabe feels better. I hope you have a super day!!! Praying for you!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Hey you. i checked this at 6:30 and oyu had nto posted.You must have posted right after I left.
Poor guy. I hope he feels better.

You guys should request your own hospital wing. You have paid for it.

Carrie said...

Oh dear Lord! Every other day its something for you or one of your kids. I really hope luck changes for you!

I am glad he is doing better. That would have been very scary to see his chest not cooperating.