Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Saturday, date night.
So, Sean and I were really looking forward to going out and having together time on Saturday. We dropped the muddy, fighting kids off at my mom's and headed for dinner and a little shopping. Since we highly value Kellie's opinion, we went to Danny Boy's. We were seated in the Bing room and were the only ones in there, which was nice. We were eating our salads when a couple and their kid walked in and were seated right behind Sean. The whole room is empty and they were seated right there. The woman was wearing so much of the grossest smelling perfume that you could taste it. Well, my allergy sensitive husband almost immediately started sneezing. Then his eyes started running and his nose turned red. I could tell he was miserable - and to be honest, I was bothered immensely by it too. So we flagged down the waitress and got our food to go, figuring we would just park somewhere and eat. Well, they neglected to put napkins or silverware in the bag, so we decided to run to Target and buy some. On our way we stopped at Crackerbarrel (to look in their gift shop for Easter items) and Borders. We were unsuccessful at both places. We went to Target and got a box of plastic forks and found a romantic spot to park, overlooking JCPenny's and the seagulls in the parking lot. I had taken maybe 2 bites of my chicken parmesean and spaghetti when the tin plate slid off my lap and landed upside down on the floor of the NEW VAN!!!! So I scooped it up, completely lost my appetite because of the mess, and teared up a little. Sean, my wonderful husband, assured me that it was ok and would come out. I had also just put the new floor mats Sean bought in on Friday, so the one on my side got covered. He offered me his, which I refused, only partly because it was not cutable with a plastic fork. So we decided at this point to go home. After we picked up the kids, I scrubbed the floor mat while Sean scrubbed the van. He was right, it came out, not even an odor left. Later that night Luke walked in a threw up in our trashcan. At least he got it in the can. That started the next adventure, maybe I will blog later about it. I am still trying to find the humor in the past 3 days!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Happy Anniversary Sean!!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I have finally come to the realization that I cannot help people who don't want to help themselves. As much as I may want someone to do something, I can't make them. Me wanting it for them is not enough. They have to want it for themselves.
For almost 11 years I have struggled with an issue that I cannot do anything about, I cannot force change. I have seen my marriage almost crumble because of one certain situation and today I am putting it behind me. This is a very difficult decision and is going to involve a lot of determination on my part. My decision and my way of handling the situation may appear drastic to those affected by it, but I know of no other way to handle it. Physically, mentally, emotionally I cannot deal with it anymore.
I know I am very sketchy on any type of details, but please pray for this issue in my life. I need support on this.
For almost 11 years I have struggled with an issue that I cannot do anything about, I cannot force change. I have seen my marriage almost crumble because of one certain situation and today I am putting it behind me. This is a very difficult decision and is going to involve a lot of determination on my part. My decision and my way of handling the situation may appear drastic to those affected by it, but I know of no other way to handle it. Physically, mentally, emotionally I cannot deal with it anymore.
I know I am very sketchy on any type of details, but please pray for this issue in my life. I need support on this.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
let's see....
what kind of stuff I have to write about that is worth knowing.
1. I didn't want my dear Debby to suffer alone, so I went and got myself a kidney infection so that I could suffer along with her! I hope you appreciate it, Debby, it shows how much I love you!!! I am not enjoying it very much. My back feels like it is on fire and I am tired of going to the bathroom!! Thankfully I am on antibiotics to wipe it out. ha! wipe....hee hee
2. I had a job interview today. My first one in 11 years. It went okay, I guess. I only embarassed myself a few times and when I told Sean they said I might need to learn to drive a fork lift and use other equipment thingys like it, he broke into a cold sweat and said "Dear Lord." I think he was excited! so I should hear something in a few days.
3. The basketball hoop was the best investment. The kids love it! We have been out there everyday since it was put up and they shoot and dribble constantly. I think they will enjoy it even more this summer when it is warmer!
4. Sean's mom is doing better. She may get released this weekend. There is not much to say as I have no clue what is going to be going on and the whole topic gets me heated and frustrated.
5. I have moved from 17th place in Scrabble to 18th! WHY????????
I am sure I have so much more exciting news to blog, but I need to go and wake up Sean from his nap. The kids are having bed issues again and we are not getting much sleep at night...
Have a great day guys! Love to you all.
1. I didn't want my dear Debby to suffer alone, so I went and got myself a kidney infection so that I could suffer along with her! I hope you appreciate it, Debby, it shows how much I love you!!! I am not enjoying it very much. My back feels like it is on fire and I am tired of going to the bathroom!! Thankfully I am on antibiotics to wipe it out. ha! wipe....hee hee
2. I had a job interview today. My first one in 11 years. It went okay, I guess. I only embarassed myself a few times and when I told Sean they said I might need to learn to drive a fork lift and use other equipment thingys like it, he broke into a cold sweat and said "Dear Lord." I think he was excited! so I should hear something in a few days.
3. The basketball hoop was the best investment. The kids love it! We have been out there everyday since it was put up and they shoot and dribble constantly. I think they will enjoy it even more this summer when it is warmer!
4. Sean's mom is doing better. She may get released this weekend. There is not much to say as I have no clue what is going to be going on and the whole topic gets me heated and frustrated.
5. I have moved from 17th place in Scrabble to 18th! WHY????????
I am sure I have so much more exciting news to blog, but I need to go and wake up Sean from his nap. The kids are having bed issues again and we are not getting much sleep at night...
Have a great day guys! Love to you all.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I Tried....

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Luke's Window

Here is the window in Luke's mouth. Also visable are the 3 other loose teeth! Wow! So far he is the only one of the triplets to loose a tooth. It was an exciting night for them all!
We got our new to us van yesterday. I picked it up about 3:30. We are very happy with it. Sadly the dealership was not interested in our old one as a trade in. It would cost more to fix it than they could sell it for, so we are still not sure what we are going to do with it. I am pleased with our new van. It is a 2004 Chevy Venture with low miles. It has the magic door on the passenger side which is nice - and the kids love - except Jonathan accidentally hit the button on the side and almost shut me in the door. I worry about them shutting each other in it, so we are working on sliding door etiquette.
No updates on Sean's mom, they are doing more tests today and Victoria and the baby should be coming home today.
I am reading my way through the Janet Evanovich/Charlotte Hughes Full House series. Not nearly as good as Stephanie Plum, but still a fun read. I have a boatload of laundry to do and lots of picking up around the house. What a fun day I have planned, huh?!
See you all in Facebook Land and/or on Scrabble (Where I am feeling lucky today! No more 17th place for me!!!)
Have a great day!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Welcome Baby No Name!

Hopefully Victoria will call me tonight and tell me this beauty has a name! She is such a precious little angel. She slept the whole time I was there and unfortunately I didn't get to snuggle her because I have a cold. boo. Vic is doing well and looks great.
After seeing her, I stopped into see my mother in law. She is doing ok. Last night they gave her 2 blood transfusions as her body is not producing blood. It did this last time she was in the hospital, but I don't know why she's not. No word on test results yet.
Luke is laying on my shoulder and head right now so it is really hard to type. He doesn't get that what is comfortable for him is not comfortable for me!
We are going to look at a new van tomorrow. I am not excited about it, but we found one that is inexpensive, low miles, good body, etc. It is red like our last one, but a deeper, burgandy red. I hope that we get approved for the loan, I think Sean's dad is cosigning. The bankrupcy has made getting a loan impossible on our own.
I hope that you guys have a great week! I will post more when there is a name....
Monday, March 9, 2009
Happy Monday.
I hope you all read that with more enthusiasm than I typed it!
We had a busy weekend. Saturday night my nieces Carmen and Scarlett (7 1/2) stayed the night. Six kids racing around playing Commander Boobie. That's the game they made up. I chose not to question the title. It was a mad house, but the kids had fun.
Saturday afternoon Carmen, Scarlett, Caitlin, my mom and sister went to a tea party fund raiser for the High School Drama Club. They wore dresses, took dolls and did different crafts and had tea. It was fun for them, but since I am the only one in my family that takes pictures, there are none of it. :(
Saturday Sean's mom was also taken by ambulance to the hospital and is admitted. She has another infection in her leg - not MRSA- (thanks Lura!) this time, among other things. She has not been taking care of herself so we are not surprised I guess. It is frustrating. So we are waiting test results to know what is going on.
Yesterday I took 3 of the kids in the pouring rain to Sandusky to go grocery shopping. They behaved quite well and were very helpful. Gabe got a little too excited about the sample ladies and I had to forbid him from taking anymore when he brought back the cup of salmon that reeked! He said he thought Caitlin or Johnny might like it. It smelled sooooo bad!
I am catching up on Laundry and doing some baking and cooking today. What fun!
I hope you all read that with more enthusiasm than I typed it!
We had a busy weekend. Saturday night my nieces Carmen and Scarlett (7 1/2) stayed the night. Six kids racing around playing Commander Boobie. That's the game they made up. I chose not to question the title. It was a mad house, but the kids had fun.
Saturday afternoon Carmen, Scarlett, Caitlin, my mom and sister went to a tea party fund raiser for the High School Drama Club. They wore dresses, took dolls and did different crafts and had tea. It was fun for them, but since I am the only one in my family that takes pictures, there are none of it. :(
Saturday Sean's mom was also taken by ambulance to the hospital and is admitted. She has another infection in her leg - not MRSA- (thanks Lura!) this time, among other things. She has not been taking care of herself so we are not surprised I guess. It is frustrating. So we are waiting test results to know what is going on.
Yesterday I took 3 of the kids in the pouring rain to Sandusky to go grocery shopping. They behaved quite well and were very helpful. Gabe got a little too excited about the sample ladies and I had to forbid him from taking anymore when he brought back the cup of salmon that reeked! He said he thought Caitlin or Johnny might like it. It smelled sooooo bad!
I am catching up on Laundry and doing some baking and cooking today. What fun!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Hi ya'll
I love this picture of Caitlin and I. She wanted to be supermodels, so we went for it. I think that it hides the double chin and extra poundage well!
Today I watched Lura's boys for awhile. They preferred hanging out with Unky Sean - and all 3 gave him kisses before he left for work! What bonding!
am trying to get caught up on laundry tonight after LOGOS. The last thing I want to do right now is go and eat dinner with screaming kids, but I will because I am SUPERMOM!!!!!
Yesterday I had one of those days that felt like I couldn't do anything right. I offended people, I broke things, I knocked over a display of cosmetic bags at WalMart after running into an old lady's cart..... You name it I did it!
Today has gone better.
Tomorrow I hope to go to Vic's and spend some time with her before the baby comes. I had wanted to go today, but forgot about the other plans I had made.
I have nothing overly exciting to say, so I will end this....
Have a great day!
I love this picture of Caitlin and I. She wanted to be supermodels, so we went for it. I think that it hides the double chin and extra poundage well!
Today I watched Lura's boys for awhile. They preferred hanging out with Unky Sean - and all 3 gave him kisses before he left for work! What bonding!
am trying to get caught up on laundry tonight after LOGOS. The last thing I want to do right now is go and eat dinner with screaming kids, but I will because I am SUPERMOM!!!!!
Yesterday I had one of those days that felt like I couldn't do anything right. I offended people, I broke things, I knocked over a display of cosmetic bags at WalMart after running into an old lady's cart..... You name it I did it!
Today has gone better.
Tomorrow I hope to go to Vic's and spend some time with her before the baby comes. I had wanted to go today, but forgot about the other plans I had made.
I have nothing overly exciting to say, so I will end this....
Have a great day!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Many years ago Monday....

Rhonda just posted these pics on her facebook page. What a trip down memory lane! The top two pics were from when Lura and I took her to Olive Garden for her birthday. While the servers will sing, they don't provide hats (remember Chi-Chi's with their sombreros?) so we requested a kitchen hairnet. They brought it out and Rhonda had to wear it will they sang! We had such good times together.
Things here are going well. The kids are hyper as always, I am as weird as ever, and Sean is as sexy cool as ever. (I can feel him glaring at me for writing that!!) I have been enjoying getting in touch with old friends on facebook and beating Cheryl at Scrabble!!! Hey, I think it has happened once... It is so hard to believe that it has been 17 years since I graduated high school. I get depressed when I think about it because I start getting down about myself. So I am just not going to think about it. Denial is GOOD!
I hope that all of you are doing well.
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