Monday, October 27, 2008

Anyone looking for Demolition Assistance?

I have decided to hire my family out, neices included. We are a one family wrecking crew. Nothing is safe around us. I am wondering how much longer until my mom kicks us out and friends (i.e. Kellie and Brian) stop inviting us over.
So far: Sean has broken one of my mom's tea cups in her collection,
Caitlin broke a never been used serving dish,
Caitlin colored in permanent marker on the fridge,
Luke spills at least a cup of liquid a day, I walked by the toilet and knocked the new, not yet read Reader's Digest into it, the dryer is not working quite right, the microwave is not working quite right, the kids have sunk several frisbees in the pond and while trying to get one with a butterfly net Gabe managed to disconnect the waterfall and turn a fountain on high, Luke has dug up several plants in the yard, Jonathan has terrorized the pets and thrown up on the bed several times.... these are just the few I can come up with without much thought. Oh, how could I mom's dog has taken to humping the monkey chair! She has never done that before. Now she is a humping maniac. Of course that could be typical pet behavior in this house as one of the cats humped a woman's leg during Stitch and Bitch a few years ago....
Sunday we went to Kellie's and within the first five minutes my neice, Scarlett, managed to tear one of the shelving units out of the wall.


My mom is out at yet another meeting and has entrusted the house to my care along with a fire burning in the fireplace. PRAY FOR ME!!!!

I hope that you are all having a great night.

Carrie, the song that is playing is by Nickleback, or Nuckleback Ho's.


Cheryl said...

oh my! maybe you shouldn't come visit. i am so kidding! i hope things calm down for you!! at least you are keeping your sense of humor! love you!

Crystal said...

Oh girl!! ha ha I'd hate to mention the whole bubble thing again!

Unknown said...

First try magic eraser on the fridge and come on just close the toilets and 2 may be solved. You'll find something soon! Call me when you have a second.

Carrie said...

You could have your own sitcom with the things you and your family does.

Lura said...

I was going to suggest the magic eraser too. I have several if you need one.

Char said...

Lura needs to change that picture!!!!

Maybe you all should live in a huge bubble house with cushions all over. You could wear cushion clothes, gloves and hats. It'd be so cool!!

I haven't used magic eraser, but Lura tells me it works great! Go out and buy a BOX of them! :)

kellerie said...

they're kids - accidents are going to happen. and, we had been wondering how sturdy the shelves were. now we know! :)

SamandSawyersMom said...

oh my goodness. my house is the only house that wouldn't suffer from a visit...ours looks like you have already been here!

Crystal said...

Thinking about you........hope all is well! Love you girl! Oh and thanks for the Halloween card!

Unknown said...

Hey, are you still out there?? The Walmart here now is carrying gluten free pasta, spaghetti and penne in 1 lb boxes for $1.52, which is not that bad I think and also a gluten free brownie mix as well I noticed the last time I was there. When can you come to chat, I miss you!