Thursday, October 2, 2008

Earth Shattering News!

I have not worn the grey sweater for 2 whole days! is short sleeved, so it will be retired for the colder weather. Maybe I can find a long sleeved one!

I know that you will all sleep better knowing this. :)

We are still moving. Lura came over yesterday and we got a lot done. We took several boxes to the Goodwill and got several trash bags filled. I am really purging. Not the vomiting kind, the cleaning kind. I have a lot to do still, but I am feeling better about things. We are moving all the big stuff this weekend - appliances and stuff. I hope to be completely done by Sunday.

Last night was LOGOS. I am a table parent, which means I go and eat dinner with kids - none of them are mine - and supervise the table. They had pizza last night and one of the boys at my table ate 15 pieces!!!!! I felt terrible, if he threw up last night his mother probably hates me. They were square pieces, not the triangles, so they weren't as big. He told me he had pizza for dinner the night before and pizza that day at lunch. They had freezer burnt rocket popsicles for dessert. yum.

I finished Janet Evanovich's book Plum Lucky the other night, then I read ManHunt and now I am working on Smitten. I need to get my books over there so I can read them and then get Kellie's books back to her! Here are my "borrowed" reviews for those two books:


Stephanie Plum has a way of attracting danger, lunatics, oddballs, bad luck... and mystery men. And no one is more mysterious than the unmentionable Diesel. He's back and hot on the trail of a little man in green pants who's lost a giant bag of money. Problem is the money isn't exactly lost. Stephanie's Grandma Mazur has found it, and like any good Jersey senior citizen she's high-tailed it in a Winnebago to Atlantic City and hit the slots. With Lula and Connie in tow, Stephanie attempts to bring Grandma home. But the luck of the Irish is rubbing off on everyone. Lula's found a job modeling plus size lingerie. Connie's found a guy. Diesel's found Stephanie. And Stephanie has found herself in over her head with a caper involving thrice stolen money, a racehorse, a car chase and a bad case of hives. PLUM LUCKY is an all-you-can-eat buffet of thrills, chills, shrimp cocktail, plus-size underwear and scorching hot men.

This book is hilarious. Grandma is a nutcase, The little man in green pants thinks he is a leprechaun, and the mob guy goes crazy. I loved this book!!!


A woman with a talent for numbers, Alexandra Scott wanted to escape the rat race and go someplace where the men outnumber the women. Trading in her Wall Street job and fancy condo for a rundown cabin in the woods. She's now Alaskan Wilderness Woman. It isn't long before she finds exactly what she's looking for: one sexy pilot named Michael Casey. But this confirmed bachelor has no intentions of getting caught in any woman's crosshairs—especially a hunter as appealing as Alex. It'll take skill, determination, and a little romantic persuasion for this big-game hunter to bag her prey.

This was a reprint of an early 1980's book. There isn't a great plot, but it was a fun, light, no - brainer read. I like the action of her newer books. This kind of reminded me of a Harlequin without any real sleaze in it. I'd definately recommend Plum Lucky over this one.

Have a great day. Carrie - tell Olivia I loved my email! I cracked up when I read it. She is so funny!!! :)


Cheryl said...

I hope you get everything moved by Sunday! Good luck, I am proud of you for purging!

Crystal said...

Everytime I hear the word purge I think of vomitting! I'm glad I'm not the only one! ha

I hope you packing and move go you!

Carrie said...

I hpe your moving goes well. Purge baby purge. I purged this morning. The vomiting kind, not cleaning :)

Carrie said...

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Char said...

You know what? I think I have read Plum Lucky!! Great reviews. Thanks.
Good luck on the moving.

Cheryl said...

Moved yet?

Cheryl said...

how about now?

Cheryl said...


Kelly said...

I listen to her audio books at work every night.

There is another book I listened to by Sandra Brown called Led Astray.....I really enjoyed it, if you like Love stories you should try it;)