Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Temper Tantrums and Smoke Jumpers

Hey you guys!!! Did anyone else think of the electric company? Remember that show?
My morning started off with a horrid temper tantrum from Luke. He spilled his milk and then played in it and soaked his pj's. I made him strip in the kitchen and throw his clothes into the laundry so he could go upstairs and get cleaned up. He was not keen on that idea and threw a HUGE tantrum! It was so awful it was funny. He eventually settled down and got ready for school and was back to my sweet boy. My mom made the kids waffles and sausage this morning. That is a bonus to living there! Last night we had roast pork, potatoes and carrots and rosy apple rings. Yum.
I hope that my mom survives us. The other day I walked into the living room and Jonathan had taken blue painter's tape and taped himself into an antique kid's rocking chair. Thankfully it was painters tape so it didn't really stick. Gabe played on her computer and somehow froze everything and messed up the internet there. They dumped over two plants last night and tracked dirt everywhere, the dog and cats are not themselves either! I think Maddie, the dog, is going to have anxiety issues! Maybe I should slip her some ativan! :)
I am reading a great book right now called The Smoke Jumper. It is by Nicholas Evans. It is really good, the language is questionable, but the story line is excellent.
Tonight is the Make and Bake Auction for my Mom's garden club. Usually Lura and I go every year, but she is unable to this time. Don't worry Lura, I will not let anybody sit next to me! I will save your seat still. :) I usually get to pick out something fun that my mom buys and puts away for my birthday. This is the 9th year I have gone and it gets fancier each year.
Well ladies, and any gents that read this, I have to go and eat lunch and get to my mom's so I can shower and do something with my greasy hair. I am such a vision right now!
Have a great day!


Crystal said...

OH boy! ha ha I hope the kiddo's adjust soon and all gets better! Hope you have a good time at the make and bake!!! love you sister!

Cheryl said...

Your poor mom, but grandma's have very short memories.

enjoy your make bake!

Char said...

Sounds fun!! I can't believe Lura isn't going! If I was up there, I'd go with you! ;)

I'm pretty sure I have read Smoke Jumper!

Carrie said...

Sounds like Luke cried over spilled milk huh? I hope your mom survives too! It sounds like quite the adventure!!

Carrie said...

I've never heard of the electric show.