Wednesday, May 26, 2010

And I think to myself - What a wonderful World

Forgive the writing! I am just trying to put down my random thoughts. No points for creativity here, but that's okay!!
After dropping the kids off at school this morning I drove to the reservoir and took a walk. I have been struggling with some things in my personal as well as spiritual life and needed some time to think and talk to God.
When I got there I parked and finished listening to my program on the radio (Elvis Duran had a funny phone tap this morning!) and watched birds getting frisky in front of my van. They were so funny, but I felt like a bit of a peeping pervert. I got out and started walking. Even though the nearest person was about 50 yards away, that self conciousness hit me immediately. I was ready to turn and walk back to the van when I caught a movement to the side of me. I turned and saw a fish jump. That little thing was enough to make me keep going. I walked as close to the edge as I dared and watched little wonders occuring. I saw a heron eating his breakfast and when I got close enough to cause him concern he took flight. The beautiful long necked bird flew just above the lake and his wing tips skimmed the top of the water leaving a trail behind him. I walked and watched until he was out of sight. Movement again caught my eye and I looked to see countless fish jumping! I figured it must have been breakfast for them too. As soon as one dropped out of sight another appeared. As I continued to walk I saw dragonflies chasing, butterflies, and small birds. When I turned around and walked back I looked down to see a snake gliding through the water beside me. It was at least 2 feet long and so graceful! It stayed with me for at least 50 feet.
I reached the point to turn to go back to the van and decided to keep going. On the other side there were schools of fish everywhere I looked! The sizes ranged from a few inches to minnows and they lined the shore. I passed a fisherman in his boat and exchanged smiles, waves and a few words. It made me think of my dad - he loved to fish. But instead of being sad I smiled at memories of Canada and fishing together on the Ottawa River. About a hundred yards later I watched as a pink mouth came out of the water, rolled, and went under again! I stopped, puzzled - I had no idea what it was. A woman walked up beside me and asked what I was looking at. I told her and she said that the carp were spawning and I probably saw one roll. I waited a few minutes to see if I could see it again, but nothing happened. So I continued on. I reached the bridge and looked down and saw a huge fish swimming in circles. By this point I was grinning like a fool just so happy and in awe of everything I was seeing! I turned around and decided to walk through a field and around some trees. When I cleared the first turn there were several families of geese with babies!!
I walked back up to the path, praising God for his creations and reminiscing about time with my dad. I passed back by the fisherman and spoke a bit more and then continued on. When I looked up I saw a heavyset man with a cane walking perpendicular to me a couple hundred yards ahead. From that distance he looked just like my dad! I know it wasn't, but it made me smile just to think that maybe my dad was looking down watching me this morning.
When I got back to the van, I climbed in and checked my pedometer. I had walked approx. 4,000 steps which is almost half my minimum daily goal!
I was so thankful for the beauty I encountered this morning. I can't tell you the wonders it did for my attitude and outlook as well!
I hope you guys have a fantastic day! Love you all!!


Char said...

Awesome recount of your day!! I felt like I was right there with you. :) Glad you enjoyed your walk and got your steps in.

Carrie said...

Your post was like reading a book or a poem. Sounds like a wonderful day.

Cheryl said...

wow sounds like a wonderful peaceful morning! the little things that we often miss because we are always in a hurry or worried about something can bring us such joy!