Thursday, May 13, 2010

I am happy because....

*I have found the joy in cross stitching again. :) I am sure you saw the picture I posted on Facebook. My mom had it matted and framed for our anniversary. The framing shop costs an arm and a leg. I called Lura and Victoria to make sure I wasn't being taken! It was $97.00 plus tax! I was guessing $50.00 at the most. I am entering it into the fair this summer.

*I have found friendships that I never imagined I would have. One in particular is with a person from my class in high school. In him I have found a supportive, caring, God following/loving/fearing friend. It is amazing the people God will bring into our lives! I also got reconnected with some college friends. It is funny how you can live with people for so long and still not know things about them! I am forming bonds again with some of them and I am grateful to God for those relationships also!

*I am thankful for the laughter Crystal gave me tonight! I sat at my computer in danger of wetting my pants from laughter. Love you Crys!!!

*My friend, Blanche (not the one from the Golden Girls) posted a link to a Joyce Meyer article. Some of you may know I don't always get the point intended by the message. A good example is trying to read Dr. Dobson and only getting that I should kill birds and die while saying grace. This article, I posted the link on FB, really spoke to me! I got from it what I was supposed to and probably more! When Blanche originally posted the article, she put on it that she thought I needed to read it. If she hadn't I probably wouldn't have.

*I am tickled by Urban Dictionary. Someone, I won't mention her name (Uralay) turned me on to it by finding the word Gynosplurge. Look it up! It is gross, but made me chuckle. Since then I have found many useful (?) words to use in everyday conversation.

*I am thankful for my children's health and spirits of adventure. We are planning some fun excursions this weekend - me with the trio and Sean and Gabe. Sean got tickets and pit passes to the racetrack from someone at work, so he and Gabe are having bonding time.

*the support I am finding in my weight loss journey has been amazing. From an ex boyfriend to aqquaintances to wonderful friends! Thank you to Kevin for the uplifting chat and Alan Alda ecard (which was a high point in my day, by the way!).

*Sean and I are may have some good news soon. I can't say much about it only to tell you it does NOT involve kids!!!!

*I beat someone (not Cheryl, I would never brag about beating Cheryl!!! Cheryl, Cheryl, Cheryl....) in Scrabble. Cheryl.

*It is almost summer and even though I moan and complain, I am looking forward to the kids being home!

I could keep going, but I have work to do. Love to you all!!!


Lura said...

Dr. K would be very proud! and I am too (wiping away a tear). :)

SamandSawyersMom said...

Wow, what a nice post to read. I took friendship for granted for so long. I looked down on moms who said they needed more than their kids and husbands. I am now one of those moms. I love my friends so much. I am beyond THRILLED for you that you have those kind of friends now. It is eye opening and life changing. My family is still first BY FAR but I love knowing that women have my back and love me right where I am. Every friend brings something special and from God.
Keep up the good work on your healthy life changes..good for you.
So happy to hear you are happy. Aww, so nice to hear!!!!

Crystal said...

this was a wonderful post. You deserve all the love and frienships in the world! Cant wait to hear what the good news is and dont blame me for wetting your pants! :-p

Char said...

I'm really glad you are happy!! I hope to make the list some day. I'll have to figure out ways to make you happy. haha.

I'm glad you found some great new friendships.

Can you post your cross stitch picture on here so I can see it?

I'm really happy for you that you are finding happiness!!!

Carrie said...

Happy happy post! That was very uplifting. I am happy you wrote that happy post.

Can't wait to read the good news you may have!

Cheryl said...

I am glad my letting you win a few games has raised your spirits, now game on!!! LOL

Crystal said...