Monday, May 17, 2010

I have decided that I am a real nut job.
What made me decide this?

The fact that I thought it would be a great idea to have a craft night with my kids.
Saturday night went well, we made hats and bags. They used glitter glue and sequins and had a ball.

Sunday we tried again. Three of the four got beads stuck up their noses. Sadly, my 11 year old was one of the three. Then they jammed beads into their belly buttons so they stuck there. I called it a night when I heard "Don't put sequins on my p#$is. WHAT?????

They have been begging me to do more crafts. I don't know if I can take it! I spent all last night crawling around on my hands and knees digging beads and sequins out of every nook and cranny! I have to take the covers off the heating vents still!

Unfortunately, or fortunately (depending on who you ask) I am stupid enough to try it again! I always figure it can't be as bad as the last time....


Crystal said...

your not a nut job, you are just a brave woman! Ha just think of all the great stories u will be able to tell all of their spouses when they grow up, heck take pictures and do a slide show on their wedding day! That would make it all worth it! Lol

Char said...

You're not a nut job!! I used to do crafts with my kids. It is messy. Altho, neither of my boys stuck anything where they weren't supposed to. Hm.
Go ahead and try it again. It'll be worth it, I'm sure.

Carrie said...

I think it sounds like a lot of fun! Who knows where they will stick things next time! It sounds very adventerous!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Aww, I am a craft lover. I read an article once on the benefits of art like that. It was so amazing the skills, lessons and freedom that art brings a child. My kids love it so much.

You could make a craft bin and fill it with art supplies and let them go at it without actually planning anything. Maybe you could omit beads??