Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hopefully we finally have an answer.......

Today we took Gabe to the pediatric neurologist. It was a really good visit as we may finally have some answers.
First he did a history and asked lots of questions and then did a small physical examination of Gabe. He said that he did not believe that ADHD was the correct diagnosis for him. Night terrors, anger, physical violence do not go with ADHD. He believes that Gabe suffers from Anxiety Disorder and can be treated with medication and therapy. There is apparantly much evidence to support the idea that moderate to severe behavioral issues and sleep disorders are a result of anxiety disorder. Once we get that under control the night terrors should lessen if not vanish. I told Victoria if that happens we are going to have a No More Night Terrors Party!!!
Tomorrow he has a counseling appointment scheduled and Brennan can get him scheduled with the psychiatrist on staff. There is a possibility it could be atypical ADD, but he is really leaning towards Anxiety disorder.
I can't tell you what a relief this is to me and what hope I have that we might soon have one child's behavior under control. Maybe if Gabe's improves the other's will. I can't imagine what a night terror free night will be like for him or for us, but I am excited to see if that happens.

I hope that you all have a wonderful day! Thanks for the words of encouragement and love!!


Cheryl said...

wow does he have night terrors every night? Ryan has them but not often and it is terrible! You poor things!. I hope this is the answer and can be treated easily and quickly!!

Char said...

That's great! I am glad you have some answers and I hope that things improve quickly now that they are pretty sure what it is!

Lura said...

I hope this is it for him and you! It has been a long road for sure. I find myself looking for a "like" button on blogger, but there isn't one. :)

Carrie said...

I hope you have found the answers you have been looking for. It sounds like it. I hope and pray medication treats him and his night terrors go away soon.