Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's Good To Have Friends

I am a lucky girl. My kids are lucky too. I have the most wonderful friends and we get to see many of them regularly. I only wish that I could see my blog friends regularly too. I couldn't ask for better people to know and love and I am so thankful. Here are some random shots of friendship from the trio's party.


Carrie said...

Cute! Cute! Cute! Love the landscaping in those pics.

SamandSawyersMom said...

you are lucky to hav e your closest friends close by. my bestest ones are further away with just a few close by. I wish we could get together like you all do. You are both a blessing and blessed my friend.

Cheryl said...

We are thankful for you too!! Love you!

victoria said...

How is it that only my feet and top of head were photoed but Gretchen gets staring shots!