Friday, August 14, 2009

Fried Egg

(If you say that fast enough it sounds like Friday)
Why does life have to be so tough sometimes?
I keep trying to remind myself that God is in control and He does not give us more than we can handle. I really need Him to stop thinking I can handle so much.
I am so tired of crying and being sad.
I just want my Happy self back.

I am about 3/4 of the way done with a new cross stitch which I will share when it is done. It is my stress reliever, so it is coming right along!

I took Gabe to his intake appointment today and he starts counseling at the end of the month. I hope that it will help this time. The new ADHD medication is not effective so we are going to see about trying the next one on the list. The poor boy just has no self control and I know he can't help it.

Hope you all have a good weekend!


Char said...

Things will turn around for the good soon, I'm sure!!
Hope things work out for Gabe and his meds. That has to be tough!

Cheryl said...

Things will get better and soon!! School is about to start, schedules and structure always make things better, more manageable! We love you and you aren't alone. We have all been there and feel that way. It does pass!!