Monday, August 24, 2009

According to my email I only have 7 days to meet the hot singles in my area!!! I don't think I have any available time. I will be too busy taking surveys, trying out male enhancement products, taking hundreds of vitamins, and shopping at Victoria's Secret and Best Buy.
I hate Spam. Both the mail and the food.

Tomorrow the kids start school. I am looking forward to the break. I get to have some Amanda time and some Sean time. I think they are ready to go. Every hour I get an update on nerves from all of them, but I know they will be fine. They will be happy to see their friends again.

I am swamped with laundry today and need to get Gabe's football uniform washed for practice tonight. I had planned on a longer post, but this is it for now!


Char said...

Spam stinks! Don't you have a spam filter on your email? It cuts spam down to nearly nothing!
Hope you get your laundry all done!
Good luck to the kiddo's with their first day of school.

Cheryl said...

WOW the big first graders! How exciting. I hope they all do well and no crying this year!! Good luck, take lots of pics for us!!

kellerie said...

I almost wish Tanis had some of their nerves. I keep asking him if he's worried about any of it -teacher, new school, bus, making friends - he just tells me "relax, mom. it'll be fine!"

I'm sure the triplets will do better this year. no crying, smooth mornings, well behaved. right?