Sunday, June 14, 2009

My Fat Butt Idea....

So here's my new idea. Lura posts her weight on her blog to help with incentives. I can't do that - the numbers don't go high enough. Charity posts the number of miles she walks. I can't do that - the numbers don't go low enough. So tomorrow, if I get up the nerve. I am going to post a totally uncensored picture of myself in my exercise clothes. You all thought I was going to say birthday suit or underwear, admit it! I will not try and take it from a more flattering angle, cut off sections of my body with the crop feature or anything. Then I will post a new one each month in the same clothes. Hopefully I will be able to show improvement! I really need help being kept accountable as I am the world's worst emotional/stress eater and can easily pack on the pounds.
I am really, really hoping to lose weight by the summer party on August 2nd! I want to go in the bounce house without fearing it will deflate!!!


Lura said...

Whoo hoo! You go girl!

Char said...

I'm looking forward to it! Bring on the photo!

kellerie said...

I definitely need someone to hold me accountable. let's change together.

Cheryl said...

There has to be a way we can all motivate each other. Oh maybe a contest or something. I need something too! Serious help!!

Carrie said...

I want to see this photo. I'm sure its not as bad as you think.

Char said...

That's a great idea Cheryl! Lack of motivation and staying accountable are huge struggles!

Unknown said...

I still have 7 lbs to preGretchn weight thenanother 6 to preAndrew and 10 to preSteven/Jakob/fertility meds! I know it is still 2 months away and we are trying not to wish away the summer but come school time (if you don't have a high power/high pay job) we can walk when Andrew is in school.

Lura said...

So where is the picture missy?

Creative Play Child Care said... have truly missed your calling. I laugh every time i read ANYTHING you write.

Let's see it!