Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy Saturday!

Steven, Caitlin, Jonathan, Jakob running in the back, Gabe, and Gretchen
Gabe and Gretchen

Bedtime is almost here for the kids and I am looking forward to some quiet time. I have a paper on Crohn's disease to finish and I want to do some reading for my own enjoyment. It has been a busy day with the kids and I am ready to relax. Gabe and Sean are getting the 8 million bags of brush from my mom to take to the brush pile. I swear she weeds every yard in the neighborhood!!

Yesterday was a nice (?) day. Lura and I caravanned garage saled. It would have been much better if we could have driven together, but the passenger seatbelt in my van wasn't fixed until today and Lura didn't feel like being illegal. What a party pooper!! I don't drive that bad. The door sliding open when I turned the corner yesterday was totally NOT my fault!! Garage saleing with 6 kids is not the most relaxing activity. Especially when one of the kids finds a plastic recorder flute thing and when told to put it down, drops it so then his mother has to buy it. Those things are annoying!!!!

After a nice break, HA!!!!!, lunching at Burger King we went to Victoria's for a playdate. Because what is more relaxing than spending the afternoon with 11 kids? I am joking, I love being with all the kids and there mom's. Even if it is crazy, loud, and I go home and cry, I love getting to spend time with them.

Tomorrow is church and Hazel's birthday at my mom's. Hopefully I will be able to report that my paper is done too!


Carrie said...

Sounds like you had a nice time garage saleing and playdating! Your posts always bring me a smile.

Lura said...

They make her smile because she's glad she's not us! Ha ha. Garage saleing with the 6 munchkins is not ideal, but it works for now. Someday.....just think of the damage we can do then!

Cheryl said...

girl you crack me up. I am glad you all have your Friday playdates, they sound fun. Though 11 kids sounds like a lot!! Hope you got your paper done.

Kevin wants to know if you wrote your whole paper without using as colon.