Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tuesday - It's 7:04 pm and the triplets are asleep....


Crystal said...

I'm going to call you in just a minute, k?

Amanda said...

but that is after changing sheets and bathing Jonathan. He got so wound up that he threw up all over. After I told the 3 pigs, Luke gave his version, and a quite good one, of the 3 bears who lived in a college in the woods. I kind of lost control of them after he was done. But it is 7:04, they are in bed sleeping, Gabe is in the tub, homework is done and I will be able to watch Biggest Loser at 8. I am still not sure who I am rooting for yet. I just know that sneaky Neal drives me nuts.
Gabe and I are going to play Shrek (a boardgame that is really fun) before he goes to bed. I am giving themm all early bedtimes tonight because they were up at the crack of dawn. Caitlin didn't go to bed last night until late. Cheryl and I feel that she and Ryan were having a contest to see who could stay up the latest and drive their mom the nutsiest!
Gabe just finished his bath so I am off to play games. Have a great night, unless I post again after BL!

Cheryl said...

I don't know who was up the latest but I am tired. Ry didn't go tot sleep until 10:51 last night. It wasn't much earlier tonight. I am glad you got 3 down quickly, I hope they stay asleep. Have a wonderful night!

Carrie said...

Thats nice the trio went to sleep so early! I don't know what to do with myself when Olivia falls asleep that early! Its usually 8:30 she is out.

Hope you had fun playing Shrek and watching Biggest Loser!

SamandSawyersMom said...

you are funny, i thought you were calling the 3 kids the pigs.

hope you watched the biggest snoozer!

Jamie said...

Hoping to hear this morning that you had a nice peaceful evening!! I wish we could all hear Luke's version, I bet it's very entertaining!! Good luck getting them to bed on time tonight!!!