Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Don't feel like a title...


Amanda said...

I have no desire to put a title on. I am just in a blah mood. The kids are asleep, finally, I had to send Gabe to bed, homework uncompleted, due to his mouth and attitude. I am so tired of being talked back to. Tonight was the LOGOS Thanksgiving dinner. My mom and the triplets and I went to eat with Gabe. I thought it was nice to do. I was met with...Where's dad? Why isn't HE here? Basically a why are you here? It went downhill from there.
I am just so agitated and feeling sad.
I know tomorrow will be a better day. I am looking forward to waking up on the right side of the bed!!! I hope you are all having a good night.

Cheryl said...

I am sorry your day sucked. My child was mouthy today too. It just sucks, it is worse than being hit! Tomorrow will be better!!! Have a wonderful and relaxing evening.

Crystal said...

I hope you feel better tomorrow. I'm sorry you had a rotten day. I just can't wait to be over this stinkin sinus infection and cold! I have been coughin my head off and blowing my nose until I swear my brains are falling out! ha

SamandSawyersMom said...

here's to a great tomorrow!

Carrie said...

Ihope you have a better day today!