Monday, November 12, 2007

Monday...still can't do a normal post


Amanda said...

Happy Birthday to my oldest baby! Gabe turned 9 years old today. So hard to believe. Seems like just yesterday Lura, Sean and I were goofing off in the delivery room waiting for him to make his arrival. What a night that was. Thank you Lura for being a great back up coach! Gabe is trying to take advantage of his new age by seeing if we will bend bedtime and such. He is such a sweet kid and I am blessed to be his mom.
I took Gabe, Carmen and Scarlett out for Happy Meals and a shopping trip to Toys R Us tonight. Gabe always gets $ from my grandparents for his birthday and we make him bank it, but this time we thought we'd let him choose a toy. He got a Ben 10 watch and some huge Power Ranger that was originally 50 dollars clearanced for 10.98. He did quite well. I won't let him open it until tomorrow though. Gabe started his day with chocolate donuts and presents and got to take Monster Cookies in for his birthday treat. We made them last night together, it was fun.
The funeral was this afternoon and it has been a rough day. I am ready to watch the Bachelor and just relax. I just wish Caitlin thought I needed some relaxtion!

Cheryl said...

Well tell Gabe happy birthday. I am glad he had a good birthday, it is so fun to have birthday money. I hope Caitlin goes down soon and you get to relax. Have a good night!

Crystal said...

Hey Amanda, sorry I didn't call you tonight. I am have been in bed most of the day sick. I have a fever and sore throat and cold. I slept for almost three hours this afternoon when I came home from work early. I am ready to sleep again.

I am sorry you are sad, just let your heart feel it and you will get thru. It's hard, I know but the pain will lessen even though you still miss her.

Tell Gabe HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR ME!!! Have fun watching the Bachelor, you know it's the reunion show of all the girls that were not chosen, right?? Next week in the finale.

I will chat with ya tomorrow I hope, love you!

Char said...

Happy Birthday GABE!!! Wow, 9 years old!

SamandSawyersMom said...

oh you mean mom. that poor boy should have opened those toys right that minute.

Glad he got some good toys.

sorry you don't feel well. give it all to God.

Jamie said...

Happy Birthday Gabe!! I hope you enjoyed the Bachelor, I watched it and thought it was entertaining!! My baby will be 8 in January and I can't believe how fast it has gone too! I hope you 're feeling better today and that you have a nice peaceful day!

Unknown said...

Enjoy the sunshine! It is making my day better!