Saturday, November 17, 2007

A new unexciting post.


Amanda said...

I really have nothing exciting to say. I have not felt much like posting the past few days. No reason in particular, just haven't had the opportunity to. I am busy woth crafts and the kids. I had parent/teacher conferences on Friday for Gabe. He is doing super and "is a joy to have in class." I was very proud of him. The only trouble he is having is in spelling and she thinks part of that is he spells the words like he says them. So she is sending the list to his speech teacher to see if that helps. He passed the
3rd grade achievement tests, yay Gabe! and is overall doing a great job. His behavior in school shows me that we are doing something right. I just wish it would carry over to home! He is playing at my sister's with a friend and then slumber partying.
His teacher did recommend to me this game. I think Leap Frog makes it, where you put in the weeks spelling list and it turns the studying into a game. Has anyone heard of this or successfully used it? I am curious.
Two nights ago I was talking to Kellie and Luke started fussing. So I walked in and sat down to rub his back - he was just "sleepfussing". I saw Caitlin stirring and looked over in time to see her strip naked and cuddle her underwear to her face. She was sound asleep the whole time! I managed to get them back on her without waking her up. I don't know what that was about!!! Tonight we had my neices and great nephew, ages 6, 5 and 5 over to play. So that was 6 kids 6 and under and Gabe. The six youngest ate dinner here and the entire conversation revolved around toilet paper. I really wasn't aware you could say so much funny stuff about it. They laughed and choked and Jonathan threw up. Lods of fun!!!!
I have to go and wake Sean, he was napping a bit before going to work a high school basketball game for a couple of hours tonight. The extra money will be nice.
Have a good one everybody~

Cheryl said...

Wow sounds like fun, 6 kids under 6...are you nuts? I am glad Gabe is doing well. I have never heard of the Leap Frog thing but it sounds like a good idea for any kids! I will look into it!!

Char said...

Great job GABE!
Is it the Fly pen that is from Leap Frog? There is a spelling program from Fly pen!
Sounds like a busy busy day!!

Crystal said...

I haven't posted much lately either. Between being sick, visiting family, working and getting my coupons together, and playing webkinz, I haven't had much time to post! Plus, it is no fun posting on the weekends cause not many people are on their blogs.

I'm glad Gabe is doing well. When you said that he writes and spells like he says words, it described Cameron to a T. He did the exact same thing and still does. He was in speech for 3 years and still doesn't speak fluently. He deals with it and manages it well now but when he was younger is caused alot of anxiety. His dad has the exact same problems so he must get it from him. The best advice I have for you is to be extra careful of his self esteem when you are working with him. Cameron always felt like something was wrong with him or that he was stupid and he had a very low self esteem due to that. He needed lots of encouragement and understanding and alot of patience. Let me know how it goes with him.

That's strange about Caitlyn....hmmm, I wonder what that was about too.

Wow that's alot of young kids!!! Did you pass out the exedrin to the adults! ha ha HOpe you are having a great weekend! Love ya!

kellerie said...

i have heard of the vocabulary list thing, but i can't remember what it was.

I really liked an idea i saw on one of the blogs - i think crystal? - where they posted the spelling list on the wall for the week. just keep in mind, some people need to be exposed to something 20-30 times to remember it. and, the more ways he's exposed (reading, writing, saying, hearing) the more likely he'll be to get it.

Jamie said...

Wow, that sounds like a party at your house!! I'd love to hear some funny ones about toilet paper, I know my kids would love some new ones!!

I think it's great how well Gabe is doing. I'm sure with a little extra work, he'll get spelling down as well. He seems very intelligent and well behaved. I can't wait to meet him and his siblings!

Kids are crazy when they sleep, I notice that the most when on vacation and sleeping right next to them!! I wonder what their little brains are thinking!!

Well I hope you have a great week, thanks for the big post!!