Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I'm ba-ack...


Amanda said...

Hi guys! Hope you all had a great day on Thanksgiving, and all you Black Friday shoppers had fun and didn't fall on your face in front of the 300+ person line like my friend did at Toys R Us! Only her pride and her back were hurt. Luckily her Father in law is a chiropractor!

I have to leave in 5 minutes so this will be a quickie. I have been busy with my kids and hubby. We had 2 craft days here, I will post the pictures of what we made, and Gabe's party on Saturday. It was a fun time at Jim's Pizza Box, only we had to take the pinata outside to do because of liability. Thankfully the town square was across the street, but boy was it cold! I will eventually post pictures.
I am stalled at 20 pounds that I have lost. I still need to lose 16 more of the steroid weight. ugh! And then at least 30 more! The diet is getting easier and my mom has planned a great sounding birthday dinner menu for me. She is really trying to find things that I can eat. I have discovered a love for brown rice flour bread sweetened with fruit juice - better than it sounds!
We have had no trips to the hospital, only minor accidents, and nothing major has broken in the house. The heat has stayed turned on (thanks kids!) and we are all relatively healthy. I am blessed!!!!!
I can't wait until Saturday, although I don't think my house will ever be clean and ready to welcome you guys! We put up our tree, it is a live one and everyone thinks it will dry out and die before Christmas. We didn't know it was too early, guess we will find out!

Hope you all have a great day and can decipher my ramblings!
Love you all!!!

Unknown said...

Just make sure you water it really well everyday and it should be alright, also limit the time the lights are on that should help too.

Cheryl said...

I am glad you found something to eat on Thanksgiving. Your tree will be fine as long as you water it, make sure it never runs out. I hope you all have a wonderful time Saturday and you get lots of goodies for the kids and yourselves!! We love you. I am so happy to hear everyone is healthy!!!!

Carrie said...

Good for you on the weight loss...you will lose the rest just give it time. You are beautiful regardless.

Glad there haven't been any trips to the hospital!

Were getting our tree this weekend. Just keep it watered and it will survive!

Crystal said...

They just said on the news that a tree goes thru a gallon of water a day for the first week! Just check it everyday and keep it full of water.

I am so glad you are back in blog world, I missed you tons! I am also glad to hear that everyone is healthy and there have been no accidents or trips to the hospital!!! That's wonderful news! I can't wait to see you on Saturday!!! I am sooo excited to finally get to meet you in person!!! Make sure you stay healthy so we can come see you and don't worry about the house being clean! We all have kids and know how it is! Love you!

MissSonya said...

i will callyou tomorrow ifi can remember. the plan is to leave jamie's at 9am so i am guessu=ing we willl be there around 1 but I am not sure.depends on how many times crys pees herself.