Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I am very frustrated right now.


Amanda said...

The triplets are not listening and are disrespecting me so terribly. I am tired of being laughed at when I try to discipline. This has been an afternoon of that and I am so tired of it. My house is trashed and I am so angry.

SamandSawyersMom said...

let them have it then. Sit their butts down and stand there and put them back everytime they move. show them whose boss girlfriend.

Unknown said...

Put their chairs facing away from eachother so they can't see eachother to encourage the behavior. Maky your brownies tonight once they are asleep.

Jamie said...

I agree with Sonya, they have to know who's boss. Good luck!

Cheryl said...

Yep, you need to put your foot down, on them. Just kidding. You need to show them you mean business!!