Thursday, November 8, 2007

Random Thoughts....a Victoriasm


Amanda said...

I guess that should read Victoriaism. She is widely known for her "random thoughts" and banana hating!
You can tell it has been a stressful day when I put the triplets to bed at 6:15. When they said their prayers, very lengthy ones at that, Jonathan asked the Lord to "please help him wipe his bottom better." I wasn't sure what to say with that. They all also prayed for Grandma's dog to stop barking so loud.
Gabe is procrastinating about bedtime. I may seem mean for making him go at 7:30, but it has been a very rough day with no one listening.
I made the kids french toast and cereal for dinner. I needed to use up bread. It was awful because I love french toast! That and IHOP's multi-grain walnut pancakes. Yummo.
I am having a day where I want to eat nothing but junk and I can't. Oh well. I know, get over it.
I got no cleaning done last night or today. I have no motivation. I need to get moving!
Sean and I were talking today about me re-enrolling in college courses this winter or spring. I am all for it, but the idea of it also makes me really nervous. I was supposed to start classes this fall, but ended up having surgery instead.
Gabe just came back in...what a staller he is being!!! Oh well, so is his mom!
Have a good night.
Love you guys!

Cheryl said...

I hate bananas too, everything about them, their nasty little peels, the stringy crap, the yucky smell...ewww!! I am sorry you had a stressful day and can't turn to chocolate. Maybe you get in a long bath with some candles, read a good book or magazine and the let the water wash away the yucky day. It works for me. have a great day tomorrow.

Carrie said...

Yeah, a nice bubble bath and candles sound excellent!
French toast sounds very yummy..I love eating breakfast for dinner.

Good luck with the whole school issue. I would be extremely nervous too, but people do it all the time!

Crystal said...

I'm sorry you had a stressful day, I hope today is better! Girl, will you be able to keep up with school with all that you have going on?? I think it's cool you wanna go but it just seems like a lot for you to have to handle.

I need to clean my house this weekend!! I need some motivation for it too.......usually if I know someone is coming over, it gives me the UMPF to do it!!! Hope you have a great weekend! Love ya!

Cheryl said...

Crystal I am coming over!

Crystal said...


Cheryl said...

Just wanted to motivate you.