Monday, March 12, 2007

No time....

I feel like there is no time to do anything anymore! I don't have time to get on the computer, sometimes for weeks at a time! Our lives here have been nuts...
I finally took time to nuture myself on Saturday. Kellie and I went to see a former student of her's in Kent State's "Vagina Monologues." The title alone should have warned me. Boy oh Boy, was I ever shocked! I still feel the need to shower. I enjoyed time out with Kellie and that made the evening worthwhile. I may not let her choose the entertainment next time! We are very proud of ourselves as we didn't get majorly lost. Thanks ? Kellie for an evening to uh.... remember?
We have been a house of sickies. The kids are all on antibiotics for ear and sinus infections. Caitlin is experiencing sleep apnea due to her huge tonsils, Everyone has sore throats. I don't know what sleep is as I have spent countless nights up with kids who need cuddled. Jonathan has been vomitting again non stop! He takes prevacid every morning to control it, but maybe that needs changed. I don't understand it!
On March first Caitlin had her eye surgery. She did so well. They had to cut the muscle bands on either side of her nose and reconnect them to her eyes. She was blood red on the inside for several days but is now a light pink. The first day her nose bled and she cried blood tears. I don't think that anything can prepare you for that. The dr. is pleased with how things turned out and in 8 weeks we will know if everything was successful! I am so glad that it is done with. Now we'll probably have to go back for her tonsils!
I go to the dr. on Wednesday and will hopefully have good news. Nothing major has broken in our house lately and I got a sticker at therapy last week! Now I just need to find time for myself.


Lura said...

Whoo hoo a new post! Sorry everyone is sick. Call me!

Crystal said...

Glad to hear from you! I have been thinkin about ya! Hope everyone feels better soon!

Char said...

Yeah! A new post! It's nice to know you are still alive! haha :)

SamandSawyersMom said...

glad to hear nothing is broken...get some sleep