Thursday, March 29, 2007

We are leaping ahead...into the 90's!!!

Today my friends, is a day to remember. The Harrises have jumped into the world of high speed internet, call waiting and direct t.v. Our aol was finished and we got an offer from verizon. It actually saves us a little to have all this junk! AND, I connected everything myself! Jason from the Verizon help desk was not too helpful and we spent so much time together on the phone I felt like old friends. But Frank, with the heavy accent that I could bearly understand, got me there in a matter of minutes! I don't feel much different being this modern and high tech, but maybe that will come in time. :)

Luke is doing well. He is riding bikes, back at daycare, wrestling, running, going potty in the toilet again...we had him in pull ups for the first few days as he couldn't get his pants down too well. He is a remarkable child and has bounced back so well. He has adapted to doing everything with one arm although yesterday at school they said that Jonathan helped him with his coat, washing his hands, etc. Ahh brotherly love. We go to the dr. on Monday.

Caitlin went to the ENT yesterday and we have surgery scheduled for May 9th. Her throat is 75% blocked by her tonsils, the sleep apnea is worse, and she is not eating as well as the boys due to difficulty swallowing. Her weight has maintained for many many months, sometimes dropping by a pound or two. She will have to spend the night in the hospital because of her age. I am nervous, but it needs to be done.

Sean sees the doctor in a week for a consult. They have to do a scope of his throat and tummy to apparantly check for pre-cancerous lesions or something like that. We will know more after he meets with the next doctor.

Gabe has recovered from his high temp and stomachflu. He is back to being ornry, moody and lovable.

So ends the Harris Health Post!

I am debating taking the fearsome foursome out to a playland after school. I can get a diet coke and they can race around for awhile and work off energy. It always sounds like such a good
idea. But I feel guilty for going because we really cannot afford too. Always the same story.

OH-How could I forget???
My pants came!!!!!! Yesterday was our anniversary and they arrived that morning. What a great present. And Sonya...YES...there were 6 Okie-Dokie items for the boys. I am going to take their picture and post it so you can see how cute they look! I knew you would be so proud of me for ordering them!!! :)

Tuesday night I had such a good time with Kellie and Lura. I read Lura's post, but noticed she conviently left out telling about her great picture! We went for a walk down Main Street before the movie to walk off some of the chocolate (and make room for more). In front of the park was a very interesting looking young man sitting on the wall. Lura went up to him and told him we were on a scavenger hunt and could she please take a picture with him. He obliged, but seemed a bit confused. It was too funny. If Kellie posts the pics. hint, hint. you can see. I opted not to do a pole dance on a lightpost and the two of them said I was boring. I call it self concious. Not that I was being too smart and mature to do it, just to embarrassed by myself. Someday I will get over that and pole dance everywhere I go. Will that make you guys happy?!

I am really rambling. I hope to get back on tonight so I can post a response to Crystal's morbid thoughts. And I don't have a rant, but I have a pet peeve to share.
Have a great day!!!


Crystal said...

ha ha Amanda, you crack me up! I can't wait to hear your morbid thoughts.....glad to hear there's other weird people out there besides myself! ha

Hey, have you ever had someone come thru and bless your house?? I think you should have that done and maybe some of the strange things and illnesses will go away...just a thought.

Amanda said...

Surprisingly enough no one has suggested that, at least not that I remember. That might honestly be something to really consider. I would have to really clean first. Ugh!