Tuesday, February 20, 2007


You guys amaze me. I don't know what to say as Thank You doesn't seem to be enough. God has blessed me in so many ways and I thank Him for each and every one of you. I hope that you all get back tenfold the kindness you have shown to me and my family. God does answer prayers. I have no doubt about it. You are all proof of that. Thank you so much.

I have not been online because I have been feeling very depressed and unmotivated to do some things. I have missed reading about all of your lives and I plan on getting back into the swing of things really soon. Forgive my selfishness!! And nobody erase anything so I can go back and read about all of your lives starting tomorrow.

Some good news from our end is that we got our income tax return and were able to pay our back mortgage so we are no longer in danger of losing our house! That is a heavy weight lifted off. We also had the rest of a surgery bill for me erased because we were so good about making payments. Oh- and the downstairs bathroom sink and toilet started working out of the blue! I take that as an answer to prayer.

I truly love each of you and can't wait to check out all of your news that I have missed!!!
Take care and Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! God Bless you all.


pancost said...

I'm very, very glad to hear that things are going well! you deserve some good news.

now, when are we going to go have some fun?

Crystal said...

Oh Amanda!!! I have missed you so much! I look so forward to your funny stories of your kids. I am so happy that some good things are happening for you! I have never met you but just by reading your blogs and talking to people who know you, you seem to be such a neat and wonderful person! I hope God continues to poor His blessings all over you and your family!!! I am so glad you are back!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Yay!! I can't express with words how happy i am that you are not losing your house. i have cried many a times over your house begging God to help. I am glad and thankful that He took care of it. I know you are far from out of all troubles but I am glad that things are better. YOU are so loved my friend. Welcome back.

Crystal said...

Gimme a P O S T!!! HA HA