Sunday, March 25, 2007

My Poor Little Boy!!!

Around 4 o'clock this morning I awoke to a loud crash which was followed by screaming and crying. Sean woke up and we discovered Luke laying on our floor. Apparently he had been sleeping with us and fell out of bed. This is a usual occurrence, but this time he was inconsolable and kept screaming about his neck. Being the totally calm, cool and completely put together mom that I am, I lost it. Talk about Anxiety!!!
We decided after a few minutes that he needed to go to the ER. Turns out my sweet angel broke his collarbone and has a contusion (I think that is fancy talk for goose egg) on his forehead. He did amazingly well at the hospital and the 12+ x rays. He has a sling on for now and we go to the Dr. tomorrow for a clavicle collar. Luke is uncomfortable but is being such a trooper.
We are sort of surprised this hasn't happened sooner and hope it doesn't happen again. I guess with 4 incredibly active and rambunctious kids I have to expect things like this.

Take care everyone and I hope that you have a better day at your houses!!!! :)


Crystal said...

OH my Goodness! Wow, that would totally freak me out.....that poor baby!!

Char said...

Oh no!!! I hope he is doing ok. Poor little guy.

Crystal said...

How's he doing???

SamandSawyersMom said...

Amanda, how do you get MOST of life's hardships? My goodness.

We will pray for a speedy recovery